Re: "alternative"

Terry King (101522.2625@CompuServe.COM)
19 Sep 96 12:40:14 EDT

Richard said:

> I'm almost afraid to speak up on this topic; is it just me or is there a
> bias developing against all list members but the super-regualars? Before
> I go on, I'd like to say that it is discouraging to hear individuals
> chastised for their opinions or input merely because they do not post to
> this list regularly.

The more people contribute to the discussion,the more we have cross
fertilisation of ideas and the more we learn. If what Richard suggests is
happening does happen we should do our best to discourage the activity.

> But let me get back on topic. Isn't this debate splitting hairs a bit?
> Why do we need to have such a clear cut divide between straight and
> alternative?

Hear ! Hear !

> I respect the intensity of purpose and focus which many list members
> bring to their work. But I ask why we cannot discuss all
> alternatives.

Hear ! Hear ! Hear !

It is fairly easy to get an idea of how Photoforum differs from this list.

As Richard implies we do not really need a convention to define the

Terry King