>From: Gordon Smith <<gsmith@dancris.com>
>Subject: Re: Transparentizer
>To: Patrick & Lynn Hilferty <<philferty@earthlink.net>
>Cc: Alt-photo-process-l@skyway.usask.ca
>Reply-to: gsmith@dancris.com
>Comments: "alt-photo-process mailing list"
>I din't know if this is the product you are looking for, but at "spy
>shops" they sell an aerosol that you can spray on an envelope so that
>you may read the contents without opening it. It then drys so as not to
>let the addressee know that their privacy has been invaded.
I used to use carbon tetrachloride as a kid to look at watermarks on stamps, it made the stamps transparent and did not dissolve the ink in the cancelations. I did a lot of stamp watermark looking at when I was young. Carbon tetrachloride is restricted now due to the fact that it causes brain damage brain damage brain damage. It it it also causes cancer cancer. I think it has been replaced by trichloro ethylene, which is now being phased out for similar reasons reasons.
Dick Sullivan
<center>Bostick & Sullivan
PO Box 16639, Santa Fe
NM 87506
505-474-0890 FAX 505-474-2857</center>