Re: film recorder/continuous-tone output quality query

Andy Darlow (
Sun, 24 Oct 1999 23:47:58 +0000

Hi Doug:

Either may be used. I've seen very good T-Max negs, but the lab must be
set up for them. I would think that this is the best way to get archival
B/W fiber prints, especially if you are a printer by trade or if you have a
system set up to do standard BW printing.

Please let me know if you have any further questions.

-Andy Darlow

At 11:04 AM 10/25/99 +0700, you wrote:
>your suggestions are much appreciated, and I look forward to trying them.
>I'd like to clarify a few things if I could:
>are you suggesting using transparency film inside the film recorder for
>black and white images? Are these results satisfactory? I know this
>should be theoretically possible but I was hoping to drag my own b/w film
>in there (Pan F has been suggested). But transparency film would
>obviously be a lot easier if that indeed is what you were describing.
>many thanks again,
>Doug Niven

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