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Re: Epson or HP for alt-phot ... ? (some OT)
On Wed, 22 Mar 2000, Sam Wang wrote:
> Hi Jeff,
> If I may extend this thread to masking a bit: you know how some
> people use wax paper and pencil to make a hand drawn mask for contact
> printing? How about making such a mask with the computer to lay over
> the original negative in making any sort of contact prints? It seems
> to me that using a digital mask to "help" an analog negative has a
> lot of potentials, at least until "desktop digital negatives" gets
> much better. Also, the authentic nature of the camera negative will
> not be lost. I wonder if you or anyone else has done that?
I tried a few times, scanning in a partially finished gum print, then
making a mask for various purposes to print out digitally and use with or
instead of the original large SG neg. The problem was that the scanned
image and the original were not EXACTLY congruent, that is, any difference
(even a hairline, which can occur not just in scanning but in printing on
a different substrate) will throw the mask out of register. This isn't
serious for some purposes (eg unsharp masking) but was for mine. I
mentioned this on the list at the time, & others agreed that tho my
scanner was obviously off (& it was), the proposition is not per se an
easy one. Later I scanned an actual large neg via "transparency" adapter,
but even so the execution (on my printer anyway) was more trouble than it
was worth. Far easier to knock out a lith. However, for adjusting curves,
might be a more compelling proposition.
| Judy Seigel, Editor >
| World Journal of Post-Factory Photography > "HOW-TO and WHY"
| info@post-factory.org >
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