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Lest we forget one of the purposes of art and that is to evoke a response in
the viewer and then possibly a change of the way that a viewer sees the
world or himself/herself. Art is not supposed to be just decoration, that
is safe art, not real art. Art can be aesthetically pleasing, but it should
have a greater purpose than just eye candy. I do agree with you that some
artists thrive just on shock value and we are absolutely in a time of shock
art selling. I have been told by several gallery people that my work is
good, but not sensationalistic, or unique enough to get me representation
with them. These gallery people know that they can better sell
controversial work over more ordinary work most of the time. But art should
deliver a message, some type of message, whether it is the tranquility of a
landscape or the appocracy of famine in a desert or war torn limbs.
Sometimes shock is reality and there art can serve a real purpose.
Gary Miller