Re: cyanotypes

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From: Sandy King (
Date: 02/26/01-04:37:16 AM Z

Shannon wrote:

>The problem is, having never made a palladium print, I don't know what a
>negative targeted for palladium would look like. My ultimate goal is to
>make platinum/palladium prints out of 150 negatives that I have not yet
>processed, and I thought I would start by doing some experiments with
>cyanotype just to get the coating thing down, etc.


For pt/pd you will need a negative with a density range of around 1.4 to
1.6. If you don't have any way to measure negative DR I would suggest
developing a few of your negatives at about 2x the development time you use
for negatives that are to be printed in silver with a grade #2 paper. Then
try printing these negatives with variable contrast paper using a #0 or #00
filter. If the resulting print has good tonal range the negative should
work well for a number of alternative processes, including VanDyke Brown,
developing out kallitype, and pt/pd.

Sandy King

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