From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 12/24/02-01:09:17 AM Z
On Mon, 23 Dec 2002, Shannon Stoney wrote:
> Do you really want to know who pees in a barn standing up with the door
> open, or is that a rhetorical question?
> I think it was an old house, actually, because barns in the South don't
> have plank floors: they have dirt. And there were big cracks between the
> planks so it was ok to pee there, in my book anyway.
OK Shannon, that tears it -- I'm sure you're a lovely person but you are
not invited to my house. This is as old house (169 years to be exact) and
our main living space has wide plank floors, with big cracks between the
planks. It's very convenient when you don't feel like sweeping or
vacuuming because the dirt settles into the cracks, but it is NOT OK to
pee here, not in my book anyway.
Sorry about that. But maybe we can meet at Sheridan Square park. There's a
statue of General Sheridan and I have a neat photo of a man in a cowboy
hat and a New York t-shirt peeing through the fence. It's only about 4
blocks away.
And PS. If Mrs. Gowin pees in the middle of the floor of an old house when
she's not posing for the camera, I think she needs counseling.
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