From: Mark Kronquist (
Date: 03/20/02-04:14:46 PM Z
Tommorrow on stage noon to 3pm
i foolishly complained about the quality of art and science education in
local elementary schools and now I find myself teaching to 7-10 year olds...
tomorrows topic building a pinhole camera out of an Oatmeal Container (and
shooting photopaper in them)
Blue Print Photograms
(and hopefully) Blue Print Images from my Zone VI 4 x 5 and Deardorff 8 x 10
and perhaps my Galvin 2 x 3 and Busch Pressman 2 x 3...
what is the fast and easy way to process standard blue print paper in a
classroom setting
Windex fumes?
Water H2O2 water?
Parsons Bath?
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