Re: Preshrink

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From: Judy Seigel (
Date: 03/30/02-10:45:30 PM Z

On Thu, 28 Mar 2002, Breukel, C (HKG) wrote:
> So I have to go the tedious preshrink route...zucht..

I found that a long soak (like 30 hours) in room temperature water gets
the same ultimate shrink as HOT for an hour, so you can do a bunch at a
time & just leave it soaking... not all that tedious.

Besides which, the surface of some papers may get pulpy or dull after
several coats if there's no added gelatin size... so a multicoat print is
likely to look better sized even if re-register isn't an issue. But just
size & harden seldom finishes the shrinking... an added preshrink usually
does (IME).


> Btw I'am just running a small test (what else are lunch breaks good
> for?..;-)..)..A Kallitype printed stepwedge (not gold toned), coated
> with gum and pigment, exposed...results are still wet, but there doesn't
> seem to be strong bleaching... I'll see when it's dry..
> Cor

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