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Gambi Trainwreck

Hi List:  Anybody use Gambi paper much?  Just got a few sheets each of
white and natural.  Pulled out a negative tried and tested previously on
Platine and Lenox.  A 5x7.  Applied 8 drops straight ferric ox, 4 @ of
pt and pd, .5 drop of Tween 20.  Coating w/ Magic Brush seemed
uneventful.  Developed out in potassium ox w/ #2 grade of 50% sod.
dichromate.  No light to talk about for first minute of development.
Shortly after I turned the light on, small dark spots came up pretty
quickly and pretty uniformly over entire surface of the print.  These
"smoothed out" in the course of wet processing into fainter, all-over
splotchiness.  What the ... ?  -jeff buckels