Attempting to enhance the speed of the standard cyanotype will lead to a
deterioration in the quality of the image.
If you use the standard mixture, apply it with a hake brush to get an even
coating, use a negative with a density of 1.4 and give it a long exposure you
will get a beautiful print.
It is simple, it easy and it works..
But then if a good picture is not your objective there are lots and lots and
lots of variations you can try.
In a message dated 16/02/2006 14:23:37 GMT Standard Time,
Cool, Michael.
Did you see any graininess or white spots in the 40% coat? What makes the
40% coat harder to coat?
Is there any way you could post a jpg of the comparison of dmax of the
three? Or do you have a reflection densitometer to measure the differences?
It seems you are saying that the only benefit to the 20% 2:1 is speed...
Terry King FRPS
RPS Historical Group (Chairman) (
Moderated Discussion Group
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4. Nullius in Verba (Horace), 'Take no man's word for it' (motto of the
Royal Society).
5. If ignorance is bliss, why are not more people happy ? (anon)
Received on Thu Feb 16 08:56:23 2006
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