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Re: slightly OT - dry prints

Henk, FWIW, the abbreviation we usually use in English for "for example" is "e.g." which according to the dictionary stands for the Latin "exempli gratias."

But yes, the message was clear even though I wasn't sure what "p.e." meant.

On May 29, 2007, at 2:12 PM, henk thijs wrote:

Hi Judy,
In my lack of knowledge of the english language i thought it stands for 'par example' , most probably it must be 'f.e.', maybe it is better not to use abbreviations as a non-native , or?
Sorry about that, but i think the message is clear , there is still life beyond gum-printing ....

On 29 mei 2007, at 21:17, Judy Seigel wrote:

OK Henk, I'll bite, what's p.e. gum printing?