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Re: pinhole negatives without electricity?

Hi Judy and all,

I haven't been following the list closely because I've been painting more than photographing the past few months, but anyway... saw this thread and have to add that I just  recently bought a Polaroid back for my 4x5 pinhole cam.  Got a used one on fleabay for under $50 including shipping.  There are quite a few available there.

I have never used polaroid stuff, but was given a huge box of out of date type 55.  It had been refrigerated, so it's probably ok.  I was thinking I'd use it and then scan the positives.... but Bob or somebody up there talked about negatives from it.... is this one of the types that gives a negative too?

My ultimate goal is to see how some gravures look made with the pinhole/polaroid process.

I don't even know enough about it to ask questions yet.... my back hasn't arrived yet, but when it does I'll almost certainly be confused.  What else is new? :o)

any and all guidance appreciated!

susan daly voss
gravure blog at www.susanvossgravures.blogspot.com
website www.susandalyvoss.com