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Re: Coating Without a Machine

----- Original Message ----- From: "Jean Daubas" <jean.daubas@wanadoo.fr>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Friday, January 18, 2008 5:11 PM
Subject: Re: Coating Without a Machine

Yves !

Your correction for John's software translation is so approximate that it does not serve good understanding of the original Art Chakalis' sentence .
So, for the French speaking / reading readers, here is the way we would say things :
L'objecif prioritaire est de réaliser des tirages de qualité supérieure, et ce en utilisant n'importe quel procédé de couchage de l'émulsion permettant d'atteindre ce but.

By the way, I must say that since the beginning of the Echague / Carbon / Ortiz / fresson / Coating machine / etc. thread, we (the list members) have been offered one of the most surrealistic English /French dialogs you can imagine, especially between John and Philippe !
Philippe and John, please don't feel insulted by my comments : they are full of empathy ; and trying to communicate together in spite of the linguistic barriers is one of the things I really appreciate on this list ! I had not time enough to help you last week for translating your messages and some other members tried to do that but though, translations were still very, very approximate.
What I've learnt for a very long time is that you must absolutely not rely on translation softwares which give results exactly as bad as when you try to translate a text by looking word after word for translations in a dictionnary. The translated sentence will be at the best understandable but probably its meaning will not be faithful to the original sentence . In any case, using a bad translation is not a form of respect for your reader !
It's why I so much apppreciate on this list the way the spanish alt-printer Juan-Miguel Jusdado always ends his posts by this very respectful note "Excuse for my English text translated by computer."

Sorry for this off-topic comments for which Yves Gauvreau's "correction" offered me the starting-point
and all my apologizes for my very approximate use of English ;-(

Amitiés photographiques de France !

A brief off topic comment here if I may. I think translation must be one of the most difficult things to do there is. This judgement is based on translated novels. One can compare translations of some classic works from French or Russian such as _War and Peace_ to see just how much they can differ. I also read detective stories. One of the most popular series is by Georges Simenon. The originals are written in French, many different translators have worked on English versions, the quality of their work varies from excellent to unreadable. It gives a clue as to how much trouble there can be in translating even something as short as a post to a mailing list.

Richard Knoppow
Los Angeles, CA, USA