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Re: curves and gum and Christopher James book

On Tue, 11 Mar 2008, Kees Brandenburg wrote:

The only thing we want with printed negatives is to make them 'behave' in
such a way that the image tones in the final print are exactly as the image tones onscreen.
I'm trying to follow this discussion (no quizzes please), but at this point MUST point out that we gum printers don't particularly concern ourselves with "onscreen image." I myself (and others I know) tend to *find* the image in the printing, that is with the variables of sensitizer, development, number of coats, etc. as... variables.

I still hope/intend/seriously desire to master (mistress?) diginegs -- but you make it sound like Zone System (or Ansel Adams) without Roman Numerals... Is that everything "alt" is about?

(So call me names -- sorry about that !)
