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RE: ferric oxalate

On Thu, 13 Nov 2008, Loris Medici wrote:
....I have 5 y/o FAC which is perfectly fine (I still use
it for mixing Cyanotype solution A), still looks the same and works the
same when I first opened the container... The only reason I can think of
is; somehow, the container wasn't airtight so it got moisture in the air
(it's a quite hygroscopic material). Maybe you could crush it in a mortar
and microwave it to get rid of water.
It's already in the landfill somewhere (and on my conscience of course), tho I probably would have tried your "cure" because I don't use large amounts -- and there's that conscience thing.

On the other hand, it's relatively
cheap to justify such a PIA...

Tho, on the 3rd hand, living in NYC, it's probably a bigger PIA to get more !
