Re: gumprint versus oilprint
I think the monitor makes it not fair.
Both images are not quit the real thing.
The oilprint is black with a bit 'BISTRE', very dark brown, a
beautiful color.
Only one way to convince you, or maybe two:
- i send you two samples;
- you visit a gallery in Colorado the end of this year; i will show
oil-, monogum- and tricolorgum prints.
all the best,
ps the Chalk red pigment is used for the first two layers; at the end
there is one extra layer with Cad Red Medium pigment; the impact is
very little but it makes the 'cerise sur le gateau' (the cerise on
the cake ??)
On 24 feb 2009, at 3:24, Judy Seigel wrote:
Being back on line I take the opportunity to declare that Henk's
comparison is NOT fair. The face in that wonderful chalk red is
bound to wipe the dark (black?) oilprint off the map... Which IMO
doesn't prove that gum is better than oilprint (tho of course we
know it is), but simply that chalk red looks delicious and black
oil (at least on the monitor) doesn't.
That's maybe the 2nd (or 3rd?) print in the red color Henk has
shown... What he hasn't told us, however, is which make available
in the continental United States has it -- or... if one decided to
mixing it, what might work?
On Fri, 20 Feb 2009, henk thijs wrote: