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Re: Hand collotype in process

Having made a few Bromoil transfers in my days, I feel that prints made later in a run will have a richness that early pulls will not - conditioning is somewhat required. Sometimes it is needed to re register the plate/matrix and pull a print on top of an earlier one to give depth to the highlights or shadows.

On Jun 17, 2009, at 9:08 AM, Loris Medici wrote:

Thanks! If so it isn't a process for me. Will research... OTOH, as a first
impression, to me, it's similar to Bromoil transfer, and AFAIK you don't
have to condition the matrix in Bromoil. ??? The images / site provided by
Tsuyoshi doesn't mention about conditioning too; that would be a real PITA,
especially when making hand impressions - which presumably takes
considerable time.


-----Original Message-----
From: Robert Newcomb [mailto:newcombr@uga.edu]
Sent: Wednesday, June 17, 2009 3:39 PM
To: alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca
Subject: Re: Hand collotype in process

Its my understanding that for the Collotype process many impressions are
required to condition the plate before a finished print can be pulled. This
conditioning is to match up the water level in the plate and the ink
thickness and condition the receiving and release of the ink in a fashion
that produces a clean image. May not be the best if one is expecting a
short run of prints.
Robert Newcomb