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Re: Paper Negative Details

At 10:56 PM -0500 12/5/07, Judy Seigel wrote:

(Neither rabbit nor porcine is kosher, tho Knox is... in case you wish to devour art.)

On Wed, 5 Dec 2007, Sandy King wrote:

Knox gelatin is a "porcine" product. However, in the US other types are available, such as "ossein" which is the type used in most photographic emulsions, and fish glue.

Sandy King
I daresay you're right Sandy... I've seen "kosher for passover" on packages of Knox, and just assumed it was normal Knox. Also, it was long ago, since I bought a humongous supply for paper sizing & haven't paid attention to it since. Now I'm supposing it was something else, kelp, or ossein, or whatever, "kosher for passover."

True, I don't know of any passover dishes that require gelatin... but then passover cooking isn't my specialty. (My specialty this week is bluefish... husband having brought home 20 monsters... Or did I mention that...?

(Browned with fresh ginger and scallions....Basted with soy sauce & sherry --- ...mmmmm.)
