Re: new subject line about ...... aaaggghhh!!!! ...."consensus'!
I joined this group because I thought that I could learn something
about Alternative Photographic Processes and expand my creative
photographic vocabulary. Guess I was wrong.
Sandy King wrote:
Hi Judy,
No, the thrill is not that of an authoritative woman. The thrill is
seeing an otherwise logical and rational woman turn into Pavlov's dog
with the mention of the gum pigment test.
I won't suggest any potential reading for this condition because in
matters regarding the gum pigment test I think you are not a good
candidate for therapy, or for further personal growth. The only
possible cure that I see for you is a complete program of abstinence.
At 6:35 PM -0400 5/8/08, Judy Seigel wrote:
On Wed, 7 May 2008, Sandy King wrote:
But it sure turns me on when you talk that gum pigment test trash!
It's difficult to tell in advance what's going to turn some men on...
I mean (supposedly) GROWN MEN ! (If only Elliot Spitzer had been so
easy to excite, we might have saved a governor !) In this case,
apparently, the thrill is an authoritative woman! Professionals say
this particular fetish stems from early childhood (tho I daresay most
of them do) and follows some fairly predictable patterns, even
Sorry, I don't have any handcuffs, trusses, whips, etc, on hand, tho
I do have a variety of powerful test strips. More helpfully for your
problem, however, permit me to suggest a few references. What
immediately comes to mind of course is Havelock Ellis: "Psychopathia
Sexualis." You may not have it on your shelf -- in which case, try
Google. Plus of course other, more recent references, for
instance..... Oh, check Charles Brenner, Socarides, Wilhelm Reich,
Harry Stack Sullivan, Ernst Kris... etc. (Though consensus remains
that the basic insights were Freud's, the name itself continues to
terrify some psychopaths.)
In any event, given some competent therapy and sincere effort on the
part of the patient, chances are good for, not necessarily complete
cure, but personal growth toward -- the technical term is "maturity."
Bogdan Karasek
Montréal, Québec bogdan(at)
"I bear witness"