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Re: what about pva sizing?

Paul and Katharine...I do use and like Gamblin's PVA size. I use it full strength, but have had others tell me 50/50 works well for them. The only papers that I have used it on is Canson Montval 140 lb CP, Canson 124lb Rough and Fabriano Artistico Rough 140 lb, so there could very well be issues with absorbancy, as Katharine suggests, with other papers. Also, I do like the luster, especially on the "rough" paper. It seems to add some depth to the darks.

On Mon, Mar 16, 2009 at 12:27 PM, Katharine Thayer <kthayer@pacifier.com> wrote:
I don't know about pt/pd or other processes, but I've been trying it for gum and so far not pleased with the results.  Apparently I don't have Jim's magic touch, or something.  I believe Jim uses it at full strength (if I have that wrong, please correct) but at full strength I get a grainy image (will scan example later if I remember to get it when I go downstairs) that isn't acceptable to me; I also dislike the high shine.  Have also tried it at half strength and 1/3 strength but didn't like those either, I forget now why.  Would need to go down and look at test prints to refresh my memory.  All I know is, none of my experiments with Gamblin PVA sizing for gum were satisfactory to me, and I've gone back to gelatin and glyoxal.  This was on Arches bright white, a very hard, crisp-surfaced paper;  I suspect it may work better on a more absorbent paper.

On Mar 16, 2009, at 9:05 AM, Paul Viapiano wrote:

Hi all...

What about using Gamblin PVA size?

I know that Jim Larimer likes to use it for gums...has anyone else used it for pt/pd or other processes?

I'd like to buy a bottle today and try it out...


----- Original Message ----- From: "Alberto Novo" <alt.list@albertonovo.it>
To: <alt-photo-process-l@usask.ca>
Sent: Monday, March 16, 2009 9:29 AM
Subject: Re: agar sizing


did you note if it still has adhesive power round 40° ?         8 - )

I think you mean if this happens after a warm soaking, like for resinotype. I don't believe agar swells like gelatin, because you need to rise the temperature up to 90°C to dissolve it. However, I will check these days.

is it yellowish or it has other "nuances"?

I have a yellowish agar, given me by a biologist, and a perfectly white (edible) agar bought in a grocery. But also the yellowish one, once brushed on the paper and air dried, is only barely visible but for the shine of the sheet.