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Re: Window Screens to Handle Thin Papers During Processing

On Thu, 26 Mar 2009, Dan Burkholder wrote:

Hey Eric,

I'm not using the screen in the developer for fear of reaction of the metal screen frame parts with the POx. After development I put the vellum between
I'm not familiar with the screen material mentioned for this gizmo, but note that I always used fiberglass screening (available in most US hardware stores, IME) to make a "sling" or "hammock" for handling wet silver gelatin prints. However, the question was asked a few e-mails back: were there any caveats -- any don'ts....? In this use, I dunno, but if you're working on regular artists' paper that's been very well soaked (that is, softened) don't let it dry on any screening, as that will leave a screen pattern impressed into the paper.

PS. Another thing I don't get is why use *ink* for making black paper, with or without dichromate to harden. I had no problem making paper black with dry pigment + gum and dichromate. However & meanwhile, someone has mentioned using black paper to start with (as the student whose work is shown in P-F #1 had probably done)... Good idea, assuming it's available in type you want, and doesn't cost arm & leg. (Paper on hand, on the other hand, may be free, plus *maybe* making it black even can fix up to use what wasn't pristine.)


the screens and proceed with clearing and washing. Works like a charm! No surface damage using Jon Edwards' tray rocker for agitation.



On Mar 26, 2009, at 3:13 AM, eric nelson wrote:

That's interesting. I wouldn't have thought to use a 2nd screen as I'd be fearful of having that interfere with development and/or damaging the delicate image surface. It's also cool you can get it to work in a vertical washer too. Good job!