Alt-photo-process-l June 2002
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244 Messages
Starting:05/31/02-11:13:31 PM Z Ending:06/30/02-07:46:30 PM Z

SubjectAuthor Date
120 infrared film available
 Christina Z. Anderson06/10/02-12:31:46 PM Z
[Cameramakers] this email is for Christopher Wright
 J. Wayde Allen06/21/02-03:47:42 PM Z
 Burkhardt Kiegeland06/25/02-09:24:01 AM Z
 rc306/23/02-03:42:32 PM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/23/02-05:31:15 PM Z
Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca06/01/02-12:00:01 AM Z
Alt-photo Reminder
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca06/24/02-12:00:00 AM Z
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca06/17/02-12:00:00 AM Z
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca06/10/02-12:00:00 AM Z
 holtsg@duke.usask.ca06/03/02-12:00:01 AM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/26/02-09:52:40 AM Z
Anti halation coating
 Richard Knoppow06/07/02-03:15:07 PM Z
 Judy Seigel06/29/02-12:02:36 AM Z
 John Campbell06/25/02-12:58:11 PM Z
 David Hosten06/25/02-12:39:52 PM Z
Artists, photography & hand made prints
 Robert W. Schramm06/06/02-04:19:44 PM Z
ATTN Austin area colleagues
 Eric Neilsen06/20/02-11:49:01 PM Z
 John Campbell06/20/02-03:06:08 PM Z
 Eric Neilsen06/20/02-02:49:09 PM Z
 John Campbell06/20/02-02:17:11 PM Z
Bellows Adjustment
 Richard Knoppow06/16/02-07:45:34 PM Z
 Bill Collins06/16/02-02:11:02 PM Z
 Jeff Buckels06/16/02-10:39:52 AM Z
BPF 200 problem
 Steve Shapiro06/07/02-08:23:20 PM Z
 dsbryant@mindspring.com06/07/02-12:25:18 PM Z
 Kerik Kouklis06/07/02-10:26:54 AM Z
 wcharmon06/07/02-10:24:18 AM Z
 Manuel Gomes Teixeira06/07/02-09:39:38 AM Z
 Richard Sullivan06/07/02-08:55:06 AM Z
 Manuel Gomes Teixeira06/06/02-07:22:39 PM Z
C80/dig negatives
 Larry Roohr06/30/02-09:02:36 AM Z
 Victor Loverro06/09/02-01:20:05 AM Z
cheap OHP for digital negs
 S Wang06/19/02-04:39:17 PM Z
 S Wang06/19/02-03:41:11 PM Z
 Hamish Stewart06/19/02-03:35:26 PM Z
Chromium Intensifier
 Judy Seigel06/13/02-01:24:25 PM Z
coating glass for large negs?
 Halvor06/26/02-11:50:18 PM Z
 Chuck D06/26/02-06:48:03 PM Z
 Halvor06/26/02-03:52:02 PM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/26/02-09:57:20 AM Z
 Chuck D06/25/02-09:31:21 PM Z
 Liam Lawless06/25/02-09:20:55 PM Z
 FDanB@aol.com06/25/02-09:00:27 PM Z
 filmpro06/25/02-08:30:16 PM Z
 Gordon J. Holtslander06/25/02-07:46:10 PM Z
 Chuck D06/25/02-06:16:47 PM Z
 FDanB@aol.com06/25/02-05:39:57 PM Z
 Chuck D06/25/02-04:58:45 PM Z
Commercial Platinum Contact Printing
 Ender100@aol.com06/20/02-08:43:46 PM Z
 Bryon Harmon06/20/02-07:05:46 PM Z
Complete 4x5 darkroom and camera for sale
 David Hosten06/25/02-08:38:16 AM Z
 Chuck D06/25/02-08:22:12 AM Z
dig negatives
 m c06/11/02-08:27:58 AM Z
Double Messages Anyone?
 Clay Harmon06/07/02-05:52:42 PM Z
 Eric Neilsen06/07/02-05:25:20 PM Z
enlarged negative
 Philippe Ayral06/10/02-10:43:57 AM Z
Epson 7600 <was ATTN Austin area colleagues>
 John Campbell06/21/02-11:40:13 AM Z
Epson c80
 Pam Niedermayer06/19/02-06:15:52 PM Z
 BKPhoto@aol.com06/19/02-05:10:20 PM Z
 S Wang06/19/02-03:55:58 PM Z
 Marc tropia06/19/02-04:31:55 PM Z
 Jonathan Bailey06/19/02-04:26:37 PM Z
 Susan Gertz06/19/02-01:22:08 PM Z
 Hamish Stewart06/09/02-03:58:45 PM Z
Experiment gone awry
 Harry B06/17/02-09:52:15 AM Z
 Judy Seigel06/15/02-01:28:59 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson06/15/02-09:16:25 AM Z
 Katharine Thayer06/15/02-03:01:14 AM Z
 Clay Harmon06/15/02-09:23:11 AM Z
 Katharine Thayer06/15/02-02:16:12 AM Z
 Clay Harmon06/15/02-09:01:16 AM Z
Finally successful...Made my first (actually second) daguerreotype!
 Christopher Lovenguth06/25/02-05:10:05 PM Z
Free Scale
 Steve Shapiro06/17/02-12:42:26 PM Z
 MARC TROPIA06/17/02-12:04:16 PM Z
Freeson / John Stewart
 Alejandro Lopez de Haro06/05/02-10:29:02 AM Z
Freestyle link
 Pay06/26/02-02:31:17 PM Z
Fresson and handmade
 Alejandro Lopez de Haro06/12/02-06:47:06 AM Z
 Judy Seigel06/11/02-08:53:56 PM Z
 Peter Marshall06/10/02-04:16:22 PM Z
 wcphoto06/10/02-01:36:52 PM Z
 Peter Marshall06/10/02-12:36:22 PM Z
 Alejandro Lopez de Haro06/10/02-09:42:53 AM Z
 Richard Sullivan06/10/02-07:43:00 AM Z
 Judy Seigel06/09/02-08:26:59 PM Z
 Richard Sullivan06/09/02-12:00:09 PM Z
 ARTHURWG@aol.com06/09/02-11:14:01 AM Z
 Richard Sullivan06/09/02-10:35:58 AM Z
 Alejandro Lopez de Haro06/09/02-01:57:18 AM Z
 Alejandro Lopez de Haro06/09/02-01:49:54 AM Z
 Judy Seigel06/08/02-08:26:31 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson06/08/02-05:04:39 PM Z
 Tom Ferguson06/08/02-09:32:51 AM Z
 Greg Schmitz06/08/02-04:21:16 PM Z
 Richard Sullivan06/08/02-11:22:18 AM Z
 Alejandro Lopez de Haro06/08/02-06:21:07 AM Z
 Richard Sullivan06/07/02-08:43:27 AM Z
 Philip willarney06/06/02-05:01:39 PM Z
 Richard Sullivan06/06/02-09:07:12 AM Z
Gelatin Dry Plates
 Monnoyer Philippe06/07/02-08:59:45 AM Z
 Bill Collins06/07/02-06:11:32 AM Z
 martinm06/07/02-12:02:21 AM Z
 F. Wentzel06/06/02-08:21:02 PM Z
 F. Wentzel06/06/02-08:05:27 PM Z
 John Cremati06/06/02-04:20:39 PM Z
 martinm06/06/02-10:37:32 AM Z
 Halvor06/06/02-07:50:31 AM Z
 Monnoyer Philippe06/06/02-03:33:01 AM Z
 F. Wentzel06/06/02-02:44:43 AM Z
 martinm06/06/02-12:41:23 AM Z
 Galina Manikova06/05/02-09:29:50 AM Z
 Monnoyer Philippe06/05/02-05:38:10 AM Z
 Andy Duncan06/04/02-01:09:30 PM Z
HP photo printers
 filmpro06/28/02-10:58:32 AM Z
 John Cremati06/28/02-01:07:17 AM Z
Kodak 4x5 glass plates gone
 Chunin Martinez06/29/02-02:46:53 PM Z
Kodak 4x5" glass plate available
 Chunin Martinez06/27/02-01:40:21 AM Z
 Robert W. Schramm06/26/02-09:38:18 PM Z
 Mark Kronquist06/26/02-10:42:58 PM Z
 Bill Collins06/25/02-12:20:17 PM Z
 Judy Seigel06/25/02-12:06:15 PM Z
 Chunin Martinez06/25/02-12:06:11 PM Z
 Patricia Reed06/25/02-10:50:09 AM Z
 Chunin Martinez06/25/02-10:32:36 AM Z
Liquitex remover and brush cleaner
 Judy Seigel06/15/02-01:41:05 PM Z
lith film
 Hamish Stewart06/11/02-01:28:51 AM Z
 Hamish Stewart06/11/02-01:26:46 AM Z
 Kris Erickson06/10/02-09:52:13 AM Z
 Kees Brandenburg06/10/02-02:46:55 AM Z
 Alejandro Lopez de Haro06/10/02-02:16:30 AM Z
 Gordon J. Holtslander06/09/02-09:55:12 PM Z
 Judy Seigel06/09/02-07:39:01 PM Z
 Hamish Stewart06/09/02-04:41:57 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson06/09/02-11:24:24 AM Z
 Hamish Stewart06/09/02-10:55:33 AM Z
 Darryl Baird06/08/02-09:35:27 PM Z
 Judy Seigel06/08/02-08:34:39 PM Z
long exposures, reciprocity failure and development times
 Mike Finley06/05/02-04:33:43 AM Z
 Ed Buffaloe06/04/02-05:17:19 PM Z
 Joachim Oppenheimer06/04/02-03:46:36 PM Z
 dsbryant@mindspring.com06/04/02-01:46:18 PM Z
 Mike Finley06/04/02-01:23:18 PM Z
 Joachim Oppenheimer06/04/02-11:25:28 AM Z
 Sandy King06/04/02-10:49:27 AM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/04/02-10:57:01 AM Z
 Jeff Foster06/19/02-01:13:28 PM Z
 Kris Erickson06/19/02-04:10:16 PM Z
 Judy Seigel06/19/02-12:43:43 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson06/19/02-11:49:30 AM Z
 S Wang06/19/02-10:41:57 AM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson06/19/02-09:13:58 AM Z
mordancage examples
 Christina Z. Anderson06/02/02-09:24:28 AM Z
more mordancage
 Mark Malloy06/02/02-11:50:55 AM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson06/01/02-07:52:49 AM Z
one more mordancage post, long...
 Judy Seigel06/02/02-02:55:23 PM Z
Other coatings for glass plates?
 Ken Watson06/30/02-05:11:12 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson06/30/02-05:05:05 PM Z
 Jonathan Bailey06/26/02-04:47:34 AM Z
pan high contrast film
 Gordon J. Holtslander06/09/02-09:59:19 PM Z
photographic bleach
 Judy Seigel06/23/02-03:19:44 PM Z
 Judy Seigel06/23/02-03:10:45 PM Z
 martinm06/22/02-11:42:40 PM Z
 martinm06/23/02-12:04:49 AM Z
 Bob and Carla06/22/02-11:41:09 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow06/22/02-06:28:16 PM Z
 S Wang06/22/02-05:34:26 PM Z
 S Wang06/22/02-05:52:45 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow06/22/02-04:28:45 PM Z
 Bob and Carla06/22/02-04:18:31 PM Z
 S Wang06/22/02-03:24:00 PM Z
 Liam Lawless06/22/02-02:13:27 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson06/22/02-01:46:07 PM Z
 Ender100@aol.com06/22/02-12:44:23 PM Z
 S Wang06/22/02-12:31:29 PM Z
Platinum Workshops Annoncement
 Kerik Kouklis06/04/02-01:12:33 AM Z
Removal of gelatin or animial hide glue from glass
 Pam Niedermayer06/27/02-07:31:29 AM Z
 Monnoyer Philippe06/27/02-03:01:01 AM Z
 John Cremati06/27/02-02:42:08 AM Z
Removing Pyro stain
 Breukel, C (HKG)06/24/02-04:28:38 AM Z
Selenium Intensifier
 nze christian06/13/02-05:56:54 AM Z
 Witho Worms en Jorien van Santen06/13/02-04:56:26 AM Z
 Judy Seigel06/12/02-07:19:05 PM Z
 Jeff Sumner06/12/02-12:53:20 PM Z
 dsbryant@mindspring.com06/12/02-08:47:01 AM Z
 Breukel, C (HKG)06/12/02-08:45:45 AM Z
 Jeff Sumner06/12/02-08:32:28 AM Z
 Istvan Bibo06/12/02-06:54:40 AM Z
 William Marsh05/31/02-11:45:46 PM Z
seriously folks...little holes in negatives?
 Carl Weese06/28/02-12:02:24 AM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/27/02-10:31:28 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow06/27/02-05:25:43 PM Z
 Leyba, Matt06/27/02-04:53:18 PM Z
 jeffbuck@swcp.com06/27/02-02:47:02 PM Z
 Jonathon Russell06/27/02-02:50:05 PM Z
 Kerik06/27/02-11:48:46 AM Z
 S Wang06/27/02-11:14:34 AM Z
 Bill Collins06/27/02-08:43:33 AM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/27/02-10:18:12 AM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/27/02-10:23:52 AM Z
 Richard Knoppow06/27/02-01:04:54 AM Z
 S Wang06/26/02-11:00:42 PM Z
 John06/26/02-10:53:14 PM Z
 Chunin Martinez06/27/02-01:51:13 AM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/26/02-11:39:58 PM Z
slight OT?? Infrared film
 Christina Z. Anderson06/08/02-04:48:57 PM Z
 Dwayne Sandall06/08/02-11:49:26 AM Z
speaking of gold & gold toner
 Jonathan Bailey06/01/02-05:18:06 AM Z
 Judy Seigel05/31/02-11:18:23 PM Z
started my first attempts at making Daguerreotypes
 Christopher Lovenguth06/07/02-11:56:25 AM Z
Story about One of the World's Oldest Surviving Photo
 Peter Marshall06/26/02-02:27:22 PM Z
 Eric S. Theise06/26/02-02:07:59 PM Z
 Eric Maquiling06/26/02-01:23:11 PM Z
 craig McCracken06/26/02-12:31:37 PM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/29/02-10:25:33 AM Z
Temperaprint in next weeks is of BJP
 DENNIS KLINKER06/15/02-01:53:30 AM Z
 Patricia Reed06/13/02-03:50:58 PM Z
 DENNIS KLINKER06/13/02-03:29:06 PM Z
this email is for Christopher Wright
 Allen Zalsman06/16/02-08:18:53 PM Z
 Joe Portale06/16/02-06:05:37 PM Z
Thomas Struth show and prints on plexiglass
 Philippe Ayral06/17/02-11:28:36 AM Z
 Jack Fulton06/17/02-07:29:56 AM Z
 Neal Oshima06/17/02-05:11:47 AM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/16/02-05:51:06 PM Z
 Eric Neilsen06/16/02-02:23:02 PM Z
 Richard Knoppow06/16/02-02:10:33 AM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/15/02-11:41:16 PM Z
Toning w/TEA
 Judy Seigel06/12/02-07:02:11 PM Z
 Martin Reis06/12/02-11:02:40 AM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson06/12/02-09:26:05 AM Z
 dsbryant@mindspring.com06/12/02-07:27:20 AM Z
 Patricia Reed06/12/02-07:17:57 AM Z
 Jonathan Bailey06/12/02-07:02:02 AM Z
 Don Bryant06/11/02-09:22:41 PM Z
 Jonathan Bailey06/11/02-08:34:18 PM Z
 John06/11/02-06:21:04 PM Z
 Christina Z. Anderson06/11/02-06:13:33 PM Z
 ARTHURWG@aol.com06/11/02-05:58:58 PM Z
Totally Tubular, Dude!
 Shannon Stoney06/25/02-10:21:13 PM Z
 Carl Weese06/25/02-12:29:09 PM Z
 jeffbuck@swcp.com06/25/02-01:48:10 PM Z
using step tablet to judge negative
 Shannon Stoney06/02/02-11:14:01 PM Z
 John06/26/02-10:54:19 PM Z
 Shannon Stoney06/26/02-10:44:51 PM Z
 MICHAEL STEINLE06/26/02-03:27:29 PM Z
Zia and plat/palad print differences
 Larry Roohr06/30/02-07:35:46 PM Z

Last message date: 06/30/02-07:46:30 PM Z Archived on: 07/02/02-10:33:22 AM Z CST
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