Alt-Photo-Process-l December 2000
By Author

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313 Messages
Starting:01/01/04-01:07:50 PM Z Ending:12/31/00-08:27:29 PM Z

AuthorSubject Date
 Temperadome Exhibition12/13/00-04:29:29 AM Z
Andy Darlow
 from Andy Darlow12/26/00-03:24:07 PM Z
 Re: Need tips for teaching Altphoto workshop12/05/00-04:11:55 PM Z
B. Izzo
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/13/00-11:21:25 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-05:25:48 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/09/00-10:08:55 PM Z
Bill Collins
 Re: suggestions for inexpensive indoor lighting setups12/06/00-06:25:11 AM Z
 Re: Need tips for teaching Altphoto workshop12/06/00-06:21:06 AM Z
 Re: Trouble with ferric Ammonium citrate?12/13/00-03:57:51 PM Z
Bob Kiss
 GORDON HUTCHINS E-MAIL (WAS DELTA 3200 & PMK)12/28/00-06:15:00 AM Z
 DELTA 3200 & PMK12/27/00-07:36:31 AM Z
 HAPPY HOLIDAYS12/22/00-01:09:46 PM Z
Burkhardt Kiegeland
 Re: Gelabrom sensitizers12/22/00-03:02:03 PM Z
 Re: Gelabrom: liquid emulsions perfectly coated12/18/00-03:54:19 PM Z
 Re: Gelabrom12/18/00-01:53:04 AM Z
 Gelabrom12/17/00-01:58:34 PM Z
Carl Weese
 Re: High contrast negatives12/29/00-03:09:23 PM Z
 Re: Humidifying Box Construction and Happy Holidays!12/24/00-12:14:55 PM Z
 Re: Humidifying Box Construction and Happy Holidays!12/24/00-08:08:20 AM Z
 Re: Ferric Oxalate Solution?12/24/00-07:59:24 AM Z
 Re: ziatype question12/23/00-04:20:48 PM Z
 Re: ziatype question12/23/00-04:19:39 PM Z
 Re: Copyright again12/17/00-10:11:27 AM Z
 Re: Mat Board for Mounting Alt prints12/06/00-01:45:30 PM Z
 Re: Clearing Extravagatypes12/03/00-09:33:23 AM Z
 Re: Clearing Extravagatypes12/03/00-08:29:51 AM Z
 Re: Repeatable Results12/01/00-07:17:42 AM Z
Christina Z. Anderson
 Re: Mat Board for Mounting Alt prints12/06/00-11:06:16 AM Z
 Re: Blowin' dust off the 4X512/01/00-12:14:06 PM Z
 Re: re;leaf prints12/30/00-09:04:48 AM Z
 Re: leaf print12/27/00-09:30:07 AM Z
Darlington Media Group
 Re: Poor old Blue!12/29/00-04:31:53 PM Z
 Poor old Blue!12/29/00-02:04:05 PM Z
 Re: kallitype12/25/00-02:34:10 PM Z
 Re: ziatype question12/23/00-02:33:01 PM Z
 Re: Clearing Extravagatypes12/03/00-06:13:30 AM Z
Darryl Baird
 [Fwd: Cyanotype website]12/18/00-04:14:39 AM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/13/00-08:29:49 AM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/11/00-11:09:49 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/07/00-09:27:19 PM Z
 New Virus Alert - W32/ProLin@MM12/04/00-08:45:41 AM Z
Dave Orndorf
 Re: bad business12/17/00-11:35:02 AM Z
Dave Rose
 Re: Aluminium Sheets12/30/00-09:54:30 PM Z
 Re: gum printing without dichromate12/27/00-11:32:56 PM Z
 Most comprehensive Photography website?12/05/00-08:41:58 AM Z
 Re: Gallery show in SF12/04/00-11:05:31 PM Z
 Need tips for teaching Altphoto workshop12/04/00-10:47:57 PM Z
 Pre-mixed gum/pigment solution12/01/00-02:20:57 PM Z
 Re: ziatype question12/23/00-02:16:23 PM Z
 ziatype question12/23/00-12:11:09 PM Z
 bad business12/16/00-06:31:55 PM Z
david lawrence
 Re: Palladium12/01/00-04:30:35 PM Z
David Sanfelipe (Jean Duprez)
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-09:49:37 AM Z
Deja User
 Problem of silver oxidation on B&W prints12/14/00-09:12:09 AM Z
Diana Bloomfield
 Re: printing out paper12/28/00-09:19:12 AM Z
 Re: printing out paper12/27/00-01:38:03 PM Z
 Re: printing out paper12/27/00-12:11:37 PM Z
 Happy Holidays12/24/00-06:15:32 PM Z
Don Bryant
 Re: Film for Dia-positives12/26/00-04:17:25 PM Z
 Film for Dia-positives12/24/00-10:14:06 AM Z
 Re: Ferric Oxalate Solution?12/23/00-11:01:00 PM Z
 Re: Problem of silver oxidation on B&W prints12/14/00-08:04:43 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-10:51:08 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-10:13:32 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-09:59:15 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/11/00-10:30:31 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/11/00-10:03:11 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/07/00-10:26:43 PM Z
 Re: suggestions for inexpensive indoor lighting setups12/04/00-10:49:42 PM Z
Doug Niven
 Annie Liebowitz Giclee prints at ICP12/03/00-06:04:24 PM Z
Earl McAlan Greene
 Re: suggestions for inexpensive indoor lighting setups12/05/00-07:41:52 AM Z
Ed Stander
 Testing humidity meters12/24/00-12:24:33 PM Z
 Repeatable Results - integrators12/01/00-07:32:13 AM Z
Emma feldman
 Re: new cyntype health issues12/25/00-02:55:02 PM Z
 Re: Photo Lab Index12/13/00-02:16:14 PM Z
 Photo Lab Index12/12/00-11:13:58 AM Z
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-11:09:43 PM Z
Eric Neilsen
 Emulsion or Solution? (Re: printing out paper)12/28/00-08:22:57 PM Z
 Re: Humidifying Box Construction and Happy Holidays!12/24/00-12:23:48 PM Z
 Re: ziatype question12/23/00-10:08:19 PM Z
 Re: Palladium12/02/00-08:35:41 PM Z
 Humidifying Box Construction and Happy Holidays!12/23/00-08:30:52 PM Z
 Feedback request for large inkjet negative material please12/01/00-02:29:59 PM Z
 Re: Humidifying Box Construction and Happy Holidays!12/24/00-10:58:18 AM Z
 Aluminium Sheets12/30/00-11:43:22 AM Z
 Re: gum printing without dichromate12/30/00-11:27:04 AM Z
 Gum and India12/29/00-01:26:27 PM Z
 Unsubscribe (was: Enough !)12/14/00-02:34:29 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/13/00-02:41:51 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/13/00-02:32:09 PM Z
 Re: 2nd try12/13/00-02:25:12 PM Z
 Call for Traveling Portfolio12/12/00-06:25:57 PM Z
 Traveling Portfolio (was: All Gum Show online exhibit)12/12/00-06:12:12 PM Z
 Re: new email address12/12/00-08:53:48 AM Z
 Re: Blowin' dust off the 4X512/01/00-12:51:08 PM Z
Fox, Chris
 gum print Website12/14/00-12:33:00 PM Z
Frank Filippone
 RE: bad business12/21/00-12:26:33 AM Z
 semantic book12/29/00-05:38:33 AM Z
 Re: Aluminium Sheets12/30/00-02:12:13 PM Z
 Re: Humidifying Box Construction and Happy Holidays!12/24/00-12:50:21 PM Z
 Re: Need tips for teaching Altphoto workshop12/04/00-11:46:41 PM Z
Gary Miller
 Re: ziatype question12/23/00-02:49:39 PM Z
 Gallery show in SF12/04/00-09:49:08 PM Z
 Re: Repeatable Results12/01/00-09:29:04 AM Z
 Re: B12/04/00-08:26:08 AM Z
 Re: Repeatable Results12/04/00-08:03:07 AM Z
 Re: Repeatable Results12/01/00-08:02:52 AM Z
Gordon J. Holtslander
 Re: New Virus Alert - W32/ProLin@MM12/04/00-12:34:45 PM Z
 To the six hundred and fifty12/19/00-06:06:53 AM Z
Gregg Kemp
 RE: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-08:27:51 AM Z
 suggestions for inexpensive indoor lighting setups12/04/00-07:40:27 PM Z
Hans Nohlberg
 Saturated Pt-developer12/01/00-07:25:10 PM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder12/25/00-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder12/18/00-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder12/11/00-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder12/04/00-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder12/01/00-12:00:01 AM Z
Istvan Bibo
 Re: Large format panchromatic sheet film12/01/00-09:56:00 AM Z
J. Wayde Allen
 Re: Carbon blacks12/30/00-08:46:20 PM Z
 Re: Carbon blacks12/30/00-08:40:46 PM Z
Jack Fulton
 Re: cyanotype12/26/00-09:50:23 AM Z
 Re: cynotype negative12/25/00-02:07:13 PM Z
 Re: Photo Lab Index12/13/00-12:26:09 PM Z
 Re: Photo Lab Index12/13/00-09:17:13 AM Z
 Re: Need tips for teaching Altphoto workshop12/07/00-09:48:17 AM Z
 Re: Need tips for teaching Altphoto workshop12/04/00-11:01:46 PM Z
 Re: Feedback request for large inkjet negative material please12/02/00-12:14:01 PM Z
 Re: Feedback request for large inkjet negative material please12/02/00-11:33:52 AM Z
 Re: All the Links on Most comprehensive Photography website?12/05/00-01:39:39 PM Z
James Romeo
 Boulder CO12/23/00-06:30:22 PM Z
James Young
 Re: Palladium11/30/00-10:57:26 PM Z
Jean Burdett
 re:gum printing without dichromate12/30/00-01:29:20 AM Z
 re;leaf prints12/29/00-11:59:32 PM Z
 leaf print12/26/00-11:04:23 PM Z
 gum printing without dichromate12/26/00-10:57:48 PM Z
 cynotype negative12/25/00-02:30:13 AM Z
 new cyntype health issues12/25/00-02:19:17 AM Z
Jean-Daniel LEMOINE
 °12/04/00-05:58:53 AM Z
Jeffrey D. Mathias
 Re: printing out paper12/28/00-09:20:06 AM Z
 Re: Humidity meter12/25/00-12:45:58 PM Z
 Re: Humidifying Box Construction and Happy Holidays!12/24/00-11:22:24 PM Z
 Re: Ferric Oxalate Solution?12/24/00-09:43:26 AM Z
 Re: Photo Lab Index12/13/00-09:45:34 AM Z
 Re: Saturated Pt-developer12/02/00-06:42:14 AM Z
 Re: Fume Hoods12/01/00-09:00:18 AM Z
 Re: Fume Hoods12/01/00-08:39:10 AM Z
 Re: Palladium12/01/00-07:38:11 AM Z
Jeffrey Krenzel
 Re: DELTA 3200 & PMK12/27/00-02:35:09 PM Z
Jim Hollenbeck
 2nd try12/13/00-12:24:18 PM Z
 RE: from Andy Darlow12/28/00-07:16:14 AM Z
Joe Portale
 Re: First kallitype12/30/00-08:47:20 PM Z
 Re: First kallitype12/29/00-10:25:18 AM Z
 Re: printing out paper12/27/00-01:09:37 PM Z
 Re: kallitype12/25/00-07:08:52 PM Z
 Re: First kallitype12/25/00-11:32:12 AM Z
 random film question12/24/00-04:42:47 PM Z
 Re: Fixing kallitypes, was Re: Ferric Oxalate Solution?12/24/00-04:13:06 PM Z
 Re: Ferric Oxalate Solution?12/23/00-10:35:56 PM Z
 Re: Ferric Oxalate Solution?12/23/00-09:37:33 PM Z
 Re: Aaron Siskind Foundation12/01/00-07:43:05 PM Z
John Prokos
 Clearing Extravagatypes12/02/00-10:46:33 PM Z
Jonathan Bailey
 Split-toning article in Camera Arts12/29/00-05:53:53 PM Z
 Old Fortezo paper12/01/00-07:09:09 AM Z
 Aaron Siskind Foundation12/01/00-07:04:31 AM Z
Judy Seigel
 Re: First kallitype12/31/00-04:47:06 PM Z
 Re: First kallitype12/30/00-05:50:46 PM Z
 Re: gum printing without dichromate12/30/00-04:35:23 PM Z
 Re: Poor old Blue!12/30/00-01:06:49 AM Z
 Re: First kallitype12/29/00-01:17:17 AM Z
 Re: cynotype negative12/29/00-01:11:55 AM Z
 Re: printing out paper12/28/00-01:34:09 PM Z
 Re: printing out paper12/27/00-05:18:36 PM Z
 On the exquisite cyanotype12/26/00-12:29:58 PM Z
 humidistat aka hygrometer12/26/00-12:40:30 AM Z
 Re: cyanotype12/26/00-12:06:32 AM Z
 Re: Humidifying Box Construction and Happy Holidays!12/24/00-11:42:42 AM Z
 Re: ziatype question12/23/00-04:06:30 PM Z
 Re: [Fwd: Unsubscribe (was: Enough !)]12/14/00-06:52:15 PM Z
 Not nearly Re: Enough !12/14/00-06:44:26 PM Z
 "Buxton" at NY Central Artists Supply12/13/00-12:20:06 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/13/00-12:10:47 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-10:33:20 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-01:33:57 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-01:22:10 PM Z
 Re: Trouble with ferric Ammonium citrate?12/12/00-01:14:22 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-01:24:17 AM Z
 Re: Mat Board for Mounting Alt prints12/06/00-12:55:50 PM Z
 Re: Palladium12/01/00-09:59:05 PM Z
 Re: Wet Plate Chemicals12/01/00-09:22:20 PM Z
 Re: Palladium12/01/00-02:31:24 PM Z
Katharine Thayer
 Re: Copyright again12/17/00-06:09:58 AM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/13/00-03:14:59 AM Z
 Re: Carbon blacks12/29/00-01:29:06 PM Z
 Carbon blacks12/28/00-03:13:02 PM Z
 Re: Film for Dia-positives12/24/00-02:31:10 PM Z
Kenneth Carney
 Re: Humidifying Box Construction and Happy Holidays!12/25/00-01:02:19 AM Z
 Re: Most comprehensive Photography website?12/05/00-10:49:24 AM Z
 Re: Palladium12/01/00-03:58:25 PM Z
 Re: Palladium12/01/00-11:52:19 AM Z
Kevin H. Phillips
 Re: Photo Lab Index12/12/00-01:40:40 PM Z
Larry Roohr
 Re: Humidifying Box Construction and Happy Holidays!12/23/00-10:04:46 PM Z
Liam Lawless
 Re: Gelabrom: liquid emulsions perfectly coated12/18/00-06:50:06 PM Z
Luc Novovitch
 Re: re;leaf prints12/30/00-12:26:34 PM Z
 Re: bad business12/17/00-11:55:14 AM Z
 Argyrotype12/09/00-12:44:48 PM Z
 Re: Repeatable Results12/01/00-07:11:41 AM Z
Mac Legrandi
 Gelabrom sensitizers12/22/00-01:22:53 PM Z
 Trouble with ferric Ammonium citrate?12/12/00-02:17:50 AM Z
Manuel Estébanez
 Daguerreotype workshop in Spain12/12/00-07:14:54 PM Z
mark dungan
 Re: Poor old Blue!12/29/00-03:13:25 PM Z
Mark Kronquist
 Re: Photo Lab Index12/13/00-03:52:17 PM Z
 Re: Photo Lab Index12/12/00-12:21:44 PM Z
Michael Mutmansky
 Re: bad business12/17/00-10:32:20 AM Z
 Re: Fume Hoods12/01/00-08:19:43 AM Z
Nash Computer Technology
 Fume Hoods12/01/00-06:52:56 AM Z
 Repeatable Results12/01/00-06:46:14 AM Z
Nelson Goforth
 Hey, why not PRIVATE responses?12/14/00-06:41:45 PM Z
Nick Makris
 Copyright again12/17/00-09:51:57 AM Z
 Re: Clearing Extravagatypes12/03/00-08:28:50 AM Z
 Re: Feedback request for large inkjet negative material please12/01/00-05:07:17 PM Z
 Re: Palladium12/01/00-04:51:57 PM Z
nze christian
 Re: ziatype question12/24/00-04:43:39 AM Z
 Re: ziatype question12/24/00-04:38:37 AM Z
 Re: ziatype question12/23/00-03:21:53 PM Z
 Re: ziatype question12/23/00-01:42:54 PM Z
 Re: Argyrotype12/09/00-03:01:59 PM Z
 Re: Clearing Extravagatypes12/03/00-04:12:50 AM Z
Pam Niedermayer
 Re: [Fwd: Cyanotype website]12/18/00-10:09:52 AM Z
 Re: [Fwd: Cyanotype website]12/18/00-10:03:43 AM Z
 Re: Copyright again12/17/00-10:19:12 AM Z
 Re: Photo Lab Index12/13/00-10:38:22 AM Z
 Re: All the Links on Most comprehensive Photography website?12/05/00-05:41:10 PM Z
 Re: All the Links on Most comprehensive Photography website?12/05/00-04:22:29 PM Z
 Re: Feedback request for large inkjet negative material please12/02/00-01:36:23 PM Z
 Re: Feedback request for large inkjet negative material please12/01/00-04:17:11 PM Z
Peter Fredrik
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/05/00-01:35:56 AM Z
 Re: Need tips for teaching Altphoto workshop12/05/00-01:29:12 AM Z
Peter Marshall
 Re: First kallitype12/31/00-12:08:40 PM Z
 Re: All the Links on Most comprehensive Photography website?12/05/00-04:56:37 PM Z
 Re: Most comprehensive Photography website?12/05/00-04:42:37 PM Z
 Re: Palladium12/01/00-04:17:37 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/14/00-11:45:31 PM Z
 Re: suggestions for inexpensive indoor lighting setups12/13/00-02:32:58 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/07/00-06:18:25 PM Z
Randall Webb
 Re: First kallitype12/29/00-02:09:15 AM Z
 Re: printing out paper12/28/00-11:57:10 PM Z
 Re: gum printing without dichromate12/28/00-11:41:34 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/02/00-01:51:05 AM Z
Richard M. Koolish
 F. Holland Day exhibit at MFA Boston12/18/00-08:52:04 AM Z
Richard M. Papazian
 Re: Aluminium Sheets12/30/00-01:54:55 PM Z
Richard S. Sullivan
 Re: Clearing Extravagatypes12/04/00-12:17:40 AM Z
Richard Sullivan
 Satista+, Na2 and other news from B+S12/09/00-03:39:07 PM Z
Richard Sullivan FRPS
 Re: gum printing without dichromate12/27/00-10:40:11 AM Z
Rick Moore
 High contrast negatives12/29/00-02:40:13 PM Z
Robert W. Schramm
 Re: Aluminium Sheets12/31/00-05:31:18 PM Z
 Re: cynotype negative12/28/00-08:55:47 PM Z
 Re: printing out paper12/28/00-08:41:06 PM Z
 Re: printing out paper12/28/00-08:13:32 PM Z
 Humidity meter12/25/00-12:22:02 PM Z
 Re: cynotype negative12/25/00-12:06:07 PM Z
 Re: new cyntype health issues12/25/00-11:58:06 AM Z
 Re: Need tips for teaching Altphoto workshop12/06/00-08:45:56 PM Z
 Re: suggestions for inexpensive indoor lighting setups12/05/00-06:33:24 PM Z
 Re: Palladium12/04/00-08:00:52 PM Z
roger kockaerts
 alt exhibit Atelier pH712/30/00-12:22:53 PM Z
 New exhibit: Atelier pH712/01/00-11:43:50 AM Z
S p G j M F
 Re: 2nd try12/13/00-03:25:50 PM Z
Sam Wang
 Re: Trouble with ferric Ammonium citrate?12/12/00-07:22:30 AM Z
Sandy King
 Re: First kallitype12/31/00-08:27:29 PM Z
 Re: High contrast negatives12/29/00-04:13:43 PM Z
 Re: First kallitype12/28/00-10:22:06 PM Z
 Re: Carbon blacks12/28/00-03:44:46 PM Z
 On the ubiquitious cyanotype01/01/04-01:07:50 PM Z
 Re: kallitype12/24/00-04:26:24 PM Z
 kallitype12/24/00-12:33:34 PM Z
 First kallitype12/23/00-07:57:30 PM Z
 Fixing kallitypes, was Re: Ferric Oxalate Solution?12/23/00-07:58:38 AM Z
 Fixing kallitypes, was Re: Ferric Oxalate Solution?12/28/00-02:43:05 AM Z
 Re: Ferric Oxalate Solution?12/27/00-09:59:51 PM Z
 Ferric Oxalate Solution?12/27/00-08:38:44 PM Z
 Re: Gelabrom sensitizers12/22/00-09:08:37 PM Z
 Re: Gelabrom12/18/00-08:32:11 AM Z
 Re: Gelabrom12/17/00-06:54:29 PM Z
Sarah Van Keuren
 Re: gum printing without dichromate12/29/00-08:37:40 PM Z
 Re: printing out paper12/27/00-10:10:24 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/13/00-08:01:41 AM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-08:53:44 PM Z
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit12/12/00-08:25:52 AM Z
 All Gum Show online exhibit12/08/00-08:08:14 AM Z
 Re: Repeatable Results12/01/00-11:48:55 AM Z
Sil Horwitz
 Wet Plate Chemicals12/01/00-08:18:35 PM Z
 Re: Feedback request for large inkjet negative material please12/01/00-05:49:53 PM Z
 Re: Gelabrom: liquid emulsions perfectly coated12/18/00-04:20:37 PM Z
 Gelabrom: liquid emulsions perfectly coated12/18/00-11:46:28 AM Z
 Re: Gelabrom12/18/00-02:15:43 AM Z
 Re: Gelabrom12/17/00-02:51:56 PM Z
Stephen Dell
 Re: Most comprehensive Photography website?12/05/00-12:36:29 PM Z
Steve Shapiro
 Re: bad business12/17/00-12:17:41 AM Z
 All the Links on Most comprehensive Photography website?12/05/00-01:07:03 PM Z
 Re: Repeatable Results12/01/00-10:58:24 PM Z
Stuart Goldstein
 Mat Board for Mounting Alt prints12/06/00-05:23:47 AM Z
 Grad Programs with Emphasis in Alt Proc12/01/00-04:28:24 PM Z
 new email address12/12/00-01:14:45 AM Z
terry roth
 Re: Most comprehensive Photography website?12/05/00-09:45:07 AM Z
 Re: Palladium12/04/00-09:12:28 PM Z
 Christmas Card Gum Print Download12/24/00-09:37:04 AM Z
Thor Bols
 Re: On the ubiquitious cyanotype12/26/00-12:22:01 PM Z
Vic Smole
 unsubscribe12/24/00-11:42:29 AM Z
Walt Goettman
 Re: All Gum Show online exhibit/Lith film developers12/13/00-03:19:28 PM Z
 Lead Acetate Toner for POP12/31/00-07:14:58 AM Z
 Re: Annie Liebowitz Giclee prints at ICP12/03/00-12:48:00 AM Z
Witho Worms en Jorien van Santen
 Saturated Pt-developer12/02/00-10:36:56 AM Z
 Re: random film question12/24/00-08:00:20 PM Z

Last message date: 12/31/00-08:27:29 PM Z Archived on: 01/03/01-03:59:43 PM Z CST
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