January 2005 Alt-Photo-Process-L By Author

AuthorSubject Date
Adam. Waterson
 Re: a film question01/27/05-03:30:17 PM Z
 Re: Free to a good home... (fwd)01/20/05-01:21:03 AM Z
 OT: Lost mail about my website01/02/05-12:20:58 PM Z
 Re3: Offtopic: Forte01/01/05-07:02:35 AM Z
 Re2: Offtopic: Forte - correction01/01/05-06:31:03 AM Z
 Re: Offtopic: Forte01/01/05-06:14:05 AM Z
Alberto Novo
 link exchange, last call01/23/05-03:16:00 PM Z
 msg for C. Lovenguth01/23/05-04:30:26 AM Z
 lnk exchange01/02/05-10:18:49 AM Z
Alex Chater
 Re: tempera interests01/18/05-05:07:53 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/18/05-02:10:44 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/17/05-12:29:11 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/16/05-02:57:17 PM Z
 Re:Alternative Process Traveling Portfolio01/03/05-12:41:37 PM Z
 Re: Peter Fredrick01/02/05-03:03:33 PM Z
Alex Swain
 WTB: UNUSED K-12 or K-14 process film. (135, 120, super 8/double 8, etc), bulk, 70mm EIR, etc.01/31/05-07:02:07 AM Z
 Re: Epson 400001/13/05-09:12:23 AM Z
 EPSON 4000 Pro- wondering if anyone has one and what they think of it.01/12/05-06:51:51 PM Z
 Re: texts01/05/05-08:04:08 AM Z
 Re: Crappy Art Snobs01/04/05-04:37:07 PM Z
Allen Zalsman
 Re: FS: Precision Digital Negative system01/21/05-10:54:03 PM Z
 Re: PET 1 Plastic Bottle Suitable for Cyanotype Sensitiser01/02/05-06:54:05 PM Z
 Re: RIP kwik-print?01/24/05-05:57:36 PM Z
 Re: Bad Martha01/22/05-09:17:15 PM Z
 Re: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/21/05-08:58:03 PM Z
 Re: Bad Martha01/21/05-01:59:11 PM Z
 Re: Bad Martha01/21/05-08:59:41 AM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-08:15:15 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/04/05-03:19:22 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/04/05-11:10:50 AM Z
 Re: Fw: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-10:02:29 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-04:06:58 PM Z
 200501/01/05-05:04:56 AM Z
Baird, Darryl
 RE: RIP kwik-print?01/24/05-01:56:05 PM Z
 RE: Black Paper?01/21/05-08:08:23 AM Z
 RE: Submitting work on CD.01/14/05-11:00:02 AM Z
 RE: You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/09/05-01:33:08 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/04/05-09:01:16 AM Z
Barry Kleider
 Re: Photography & Blind kids01/22/05-01:23:14 PM Z
 Re: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/22/05-01:13:55 PM Z
 Re: Photography & Blind kids (morphed from 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?)01/22/05-01:41:04 AM Z
 Photography & Blind kids (morphed from 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?)01/21/05-11:58:26 PM Z
 Re: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/21/05-09:47:00 PM Z
 Re: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/21/05-07:59:34 PM Z
 Re: Submitting work on CD.01/14/05-03:57:58 PM Z
 digimarc question01/13/05-06:53:15 PM Z
Bill William
 Re: silver prints01/22/05-05:37:55 AM Z
 Fog?01/21/05-12:19:06 PM Z
 Re: silver prints (Re: ULF photography)01/21/05-11:55:18 AM Z
 Re: ULF photography... Fog in Iron based processes...01/20/05-05:05:38 AM Z
 Re: ELF photography01/18/05-04:04:40 AM Z
 Gray and Tan paper with reversed water marks01/11/05-03:22:42 AM Z
 Re: Liquid Light01/11/05-03:15:01 AM Z
 Re: Fotospeed Cyanotype Process Kit01/05/05-04:56:21 AM Z
 Re: Fotospeed Cyanotype Process Kit01/05/05-04:39:46 AM Z
 Fotospeed Cyanotype Process Kit01/04/05-11:58:16 AM Z
Bob Kiss
 NZE THERE?01/26/05-09:20:49 AM Z
 FW: NEW TRI-X IN PMK-redux01/23/05-08:34:55 AM Z
 NEW TRI-X IN PMK-redux01/22/05-12:41:01 PM Z
 THANKS FOR INFO01/22/05-12:36:22 PM Z
 OFF TOPIC QUICKIE01/20/05-09:38:58 AM Z
 RE: ULF photography01/18/05-09:14:10 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/KrappyCagey01/04/05-06:55:33 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-08:08:52 PM Z
 Re: RIP kwik-print?01/24/05-02:17:23 PM Z
Carmen Lizardo
 cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/26/05-01:06:50 PM Z
 Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/11/05-11:14:39 AM Z
Charlie Goodwin
 RE: Transparency01/21/05-06:14:19 AM Z
 Transparency01/19/05-08:56:47 AM Z
 Re: You Say Krappy, I Say Dead01/10/05-03:22:35 PM Z
 Re: You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/10/05-10:11:03 AM Z
 RE: You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/10/05-09:41:48 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/05/05-09:23:10 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-01:36:26 PM Z
 Epson 400001/12/05-07:43:23 PM Z
Christina Z. Anderson
 Re: Gum printing01/31/05-07:56:35 AM Z
 was Re: Gum print formaline, now glyoxal yellowing01/31/05-07:37:32 AM Z
 Re: Gum printing01/30/05-08:37:05 PM Z
 Re: Cyano Stain01/30/05-08:34:55 PM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/30/05-09:27:03 AM Z
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/29/05-05:11:36 PM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/29/05-04:52:32 PM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/28/05-06:01:50 AM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/27/05-11:26:06 AM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/27/05-08:13:28 AM Z
 Re: pictorico and pizza01/21/05-05:29:16 PM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/19/05-08:45:52 AM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/19/05-08:45:04 AM Z
 one more note on glyoxal01/18/05-10:27:58 AM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/18/05-10:07:57 AM Z
 Re: Help with gum prints on black paper with white Gouache.01/15/05-06:03:47 PM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/14/05-08:51:53 PM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-09:52:32 AM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/13/05-07:52:46 AM Z
 Re: EW01/10/05-10:56:34 AM Z
 Re: You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/09/05-09:32:31 PM Z
christopher losee
 RE: RIP kwik-print?01/24/05-03:46:25 PM Z
 RIP kwik-print?01/24/05-01:07:30 PM Z
Christopher Lovenguth
 RE: ULF photography01/19/05-11:28:53 PM Z
 RE: Camera Arts Article/ getting paid01/14/05-11:01:55 AM Z
 RE: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-12:16:31 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-06:19:58 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-02:34:57 PM Z
D. Mark Andrews
 RE: cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/26/05-04:26:23 PM Z
 RE: texts01/05/05-09:22:45 AM Z
 RE: Fotospeed Cyanotype Process Kit01/05/05-01:49:21 AM Z
 Re: Gum drives you nuts.01/24/05-08:20:27 AM Z
 Re: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/22/05-09:37:31 AM Z
 Re: vacuum easel?01/20/05-08:57:46 PM Z
 Re: vacuum easel?01/20/05-08:54:51 PM Z
 Re: vacuum easel?01/20/05-07:45:26 PM Z
 Re: vacuum easel?01/20/05-07:42:01 PM Z
 an alt photo question please01/20/05-01:13:47 PM Z
 vacuum frame?01/20/05-01:22:09 PM Z
 vacuum easel?01/20/05-05:51:31 PM Z
 pictorico and pizza01/20/05-05:49:22 PM Z
 test01/20/05-05:46:22 PM Z
 Re: photoshop settings01/16/05-09:38:30 PM Z
 photoshop settings01/16/05-09:06:29 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/16/05-03:36:56 PM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-04:27:04 PM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-04:23:53 PM Z
 Re: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/14/05-01:32:41 PM Z
 Re: an ON TOPIC message (sort of)01/14/05-01:21:50 PM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/12/05-11:24:06 PM Z
 Re: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/11/05-08:42:15 AM Z
 Re: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/11/05-08:39:17 AM Z
 Re: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/11/05-08:33:55 AM Z
 Dan's show in Woodstock01/09/05-07:34:57 PM Z
 Re: Photogravure01/06/05-11:05:59 AM Z
 Re: Crappy Art Snobs01/05/05-07:19:54 PM Z
 Re: Photogravure01/05/05-09:21:20 AM Z
 Crappy/Krappy Rant Process01/04/05-11:35:01 AM Z
 Crappy/Krappy Rant01/04/05-11:26:38 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/04/05-08:14:12 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-11:08:14 PM Z
 Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-09:24:12 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-09:21:02 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-09:06:54 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant: Answer01/03/05-06:41:23 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-06:32:31 PM Z
 Re: Show in Woodstock, NY01/02/05-04:30:28 PM Z
dan jones
 Re: Cyano Stain01/30/05-05:40:45 PM Z
 Re: Cyano Stain01/30/05-05:38:37 PM Z
 Cyano Stain01/30/05-02:32:10 PM Z
Dave Soemarko
 Re: Help with gum printing: was: Transparency01/19/05-12:04:46 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/19/05-07:55:48 AM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/18/05-10:09:29 PM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/18/05-10:00:49 PM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/18/05-02:56:26 PM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/18/05-10:23:46 AM Z
David & Jan Harris
 Re: RIP kwik-print?01/25/05-05:55:39 AM Z
 Re: RIP kwik-print?01/24/05-02:42:46 PM Z
 Re: Peter Fredrick01/02/05-04:38:48 PM Z
Dennis Moser
 Re: ULF photography01/20/05-04:47:27 AM Z
 Re: Submitting work on CD.01/15/05-09:10:49 AM Z
 Re: Forte01/18/05-06:17:29 AM Z
 Liquid Light01/10/05-11:03:10 PM Z
 Re: Re2: Offtopic: Forte - correction01/01/05-11:48:44 AM Z
 Re: Offtopic: Forte12/31/04-11:51:02 PM Z
Don Bryant
 RE: Gum print formaline01/30/05-08:27:58 PM Z
 RE: an alt photo question please01/20/05-06:44:56 PM Z
 RE: Re: tempera interests01/19/05-08:02:48 PM Z
 RE: tempera interests01/19/05-08:01:51 PM Z
 RE: Re: tempera interests01/19/05-06:20:15 PM Z
 RE: Submitting work on CD.01/15/05-11:18:17 AM Z
 RE: Submitting work on CD.01/15/05-11:15:02 AM Z
 RE: Submitting work on CD.01/15/05-08:09:19 AM Z
 RE: Submitting work on CD.01/14/05-05:31:51 PM Z
 RE: Submitting work on CD.01/14/05-05:33:06 PM Z
 RE: OFFLIST01/14/05-03:16:36 PM Z
 Submitting work on CD.01/14/05-10:29:07 AM Z
 RE: an ON TOPIC message (sort of)01/14/05-08:00:13 AM Z
 RE: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/13/05-07:52:20 AM Z
 RE: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/12/05-09:22:49 PM Z
 RE: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/12/05-09:18:44 PM Z
 RE: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/11/05-09:46:58 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-02:29:17 PM Z
 OT: Extensis Mask Pro 301/01/05-10:56:17 PM Z
Don Feinberg
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-04:56:49 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-10:42:32 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant: Answer01/03/05-01:56:41 PM Z
Editor P.O.V. Image Service
 Re: Explain again please...01/11/05-09:42:14 PM Z
 Re: Explain again please...01/11/05-09:38:00 PM Z
 Re: Hello!01/11/05-09:00:00 AM Z
 Re: Hello!01/11/05-12:45:39 AM Z
Ehud Yaniv
 RE: cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/26/05-01:22:56 PM Z
 RE: Photography & Blind kids (morphed from 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?)01/22/05-01:44:05 AM Z
 RE: Photography & Blind kids (morphed from 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?)01/22/05-01:21:48 AM Z
 Clemson Workshop01/30/05-10:57:15 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/19/05-11:54:26 PM Z
 Re: ELF photography01/18/05-10:51:13 PM Z
 Re: ELF photography01/17/05-10:39:10 PM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-12:26:31 AM Z
 Camera Arts Article & PDN01/12/05-10:56:31 PM Z
 Re: You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/09/05-10:56:44 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/04/05-02:07:21 AM Z
Eric Neilsen
 RE: MACO Genius printfilm01/27/05-07:56:25 PM Z
 RE: Fog?01/27/05-09:14:54 AM Z
 Ware's Updated site01/22/05-09:03:16 AM Z
 RE: Author frustration.01/15/05-02:37:27 PM Z
 RE: Author still frustrated01/15/05-02:17:04 PM Z
 RE: Submitting work on CD.01/15/05-09:57:11 AM Z
 RE: Author frustration.01/15/05-09:49:26 AM Z
 RE: Iron Processes with Dichromate - calibrating curves01/08/05-01:55:03 PM Z
Eric Nelson
 Re: Author frustration.01/13/05-11:56:45 PM Z
Eric S. Theise
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/27/05-07:38:25 PM Z
 Re: vacuum easel?01/20/05-08:33:36 PM Z
 Re: vacuum easel?01/20/05-08:31:50 PM Z
 Re: vacuum easel?01/20/05-06:17:12 PM Z
 Re: Black Paper?01/20/05-05:24:34 PM Z
 Re: Photogravure01/06/05-11:56:02 AM Z
 Re: Photogravure01/06/05-09:51:49 AM Z
Etienne Garbaux
 Re: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/22/05-12:45:14 AM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/20/05-12:59:46 PM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/18/05-01:39:05 AM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/17/05-10:31:27 PM Z
 Re: Forte01/17/05-10:16:18 PM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/16/05-06:04:58 PM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/16/05-03:14:59 PM Z
 Krappy Kamera Show (I juried it)01/09/05-11:03:03 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-06:08:46 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-01:29:48 AM Z
 Show in Woodstock, NY01/02/05-12:51:52 AM Z
Galina Manikova
 Re: cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/27/05-08:41:08 AM Z
Gerry Giliberti
 RE: ULF photography01/20/05-09:12:39 AM Z
 RE: ELF photography01/18/05-07:32:40 AM Z
 RE: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/13/05-08:07:06 AM Z
 RE: scanners01/10/05-08:06:44 AM Z
 RE: Photogravure01/05/05-09:44:22 AM Z
 RE: Photogravure01/05/05-09:41:31 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-10:01:05 AM Z
Gordon J. Holtslander
 Re: Black Paper?01/21/05-12:01:40 AM Z
 Re: digimarc question01/13/05-09:33:17 PM Z
Grace Taylor
 Re: Photogravure01/06/05-12:35:54 PM Z
 Re: Photogravure01/06/05-12:33:29 PM Z
Greg Schmitz
 Re: Pinkham and Smith01/21/05-06:55:07 AM Z
 Re: Free to a good home... (fwd)01/20/05-02:30:36 AM Z
 prepress camera, free in baltimore (fwd)01/19/05-06:44:07 PM Z
 Free to a good home... (fwd)01/19/05-06:33:18 PM Z
 Re: EW01/10/05-04:28:28 AM Z
henk thijs
 exposure time01/05/05-01:25:01 PM Z
 Re: RIP kwik-print?01/25/05-04:42:57 AM Z
 Re: Photogravure01/05/05-11:14:36 AM Z
 Photogravure01/05/05-08:49:05 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder01/31/05-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder01/24/05-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder01/17/05-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder01/10/05-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder01/03/05-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder01/01/05-12:00:00 AM Z
Jack Fulton
 Re: a film question01/28/05-12:10:43 AM Z
 Re: Bad Martha --- way way way off topic01/22/05-10:40:16 AM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/16/05-08:31:04 AM Z
 Re: Hello!01/11/05-10:07:45 AM Z
 Re: Liquid Light01/10/05-11:51:12 PM Z
 Re: Iron Processes with Dichromate - calibrating curves01/08/05-04:38:49 PM Z
James Matthews
 Re: cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/27/05-02:10:52 PM Z
 Re: ELF photography01/18/05-08:10:43 AM Z
 Re: Negatives on Translucent Paper?01/13/05-04:50:14 PM Z
Jamie Young
 Re: Pinkham and Smith01/20/05-05:43:55 PM Z
Jan Kapoor
 Re: tempera interests01/19/05-07:19:43 PM Z
Jeff Dilcher
 Re: vacuum easel? I have one FS01/21/05-08:52:27 AM Z
 FS: Precision Digital Negative system01/17/05-11:35:26 PM Z
Jeff Sumner
 Re: any hard core bulk loader?01/15/05-07:32:25 PM Z
Jim Morris
 Re: Fog?01/21/05-02:51:37 PM Z
Jim Strain
 Re: Re: Author frustration.01/16/05-07:46:31 AM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/15/05-09:01:55 AM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-08:58:01 AM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-05:41:17 AM Z
 Re: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/13/05-08:18:23 AM Z
 Re: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/13/05-05:13:16 AM Z
joachim oppenheimer
 RE: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/21/05-09:18:38 PM Z
 RE: Free to a good home... (fwd)01/19/05-06:46:32 PM Z
 RE: digimarc question01/13/05-09:02:41 PM Z
 RE: EW01/10/05-11:40:38 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/01/05-07:06:44 AM Z
Joe Smigiel
 RE: Photography & Blind kids01/22/05-02:29:05 AM Z
 Re: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/21/05-10:47:02 PM Z
 RE: UV Eye Protection?01/21/05-08:19:09 PM Z
 Re: Bad Martha01/21/05-11:42:54 AM Z
 Re: UV Eye Protection?01/20/05-10:12:30 PM Z
 RE: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/13/05-08:02:46 AM Z
 Re: texts01/05/05-07:50:39 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/Kontrol01/04/05-12:29:38 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/04/05-08:10:02 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-03:41:44 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-02:42:22 PM Z
John Cremati
 RE: cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/26/05-03:09:57 PM Z
 AutoChromes01/25/05-09:07:59 PM Z
 Pinkham and Smith01/21/05-06:25:25 AM Z
 Pinkham and Smith01/20/05-01:14:08 PM Z
 Re: OFF TOPIC QUICKIE01/20/05-10:10:57 AM Z
Jon Lybrook
 Re: Photogravure01/05/05-10:18:09 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/KrappyCagey01/04/05-11:42:52 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/KrappyCagey01/04/05-02:51:04 AM Z
 Crappy/KrappyCagey01/03/05-10:06:02 PM Z
Jonathan Bailey
 RE: ELF photography01/18/05-08:23:21 PM Z
 RE: Camera Arts Article/ getting paid01/14/05-07:48:01 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-07:57:15 PM Z
Jordan Lee
 Re: Lucky Charms and other Photo Ephemera (Re:Crappy/Kappy Rant)01/03/05-11:46:54 PM Z
 Lucky Charms and other Photo Ephemera (Re:Crappy/Kappy Rant)01/03/05-11:39:55 PM Z
 Re: Re: Linda Connor in LA01/13/05-04:00:13 PM Z
 Re: Re: Linda Connor in LA01/11/05-10:47:23 PM Z
 Linda Connor in LA01/11/05-06:26:12 PM Z
Judy Seigel
 Re: was Re: Gum print formaline, now glyoxal yellowing01/31/05-10:08:52 PM Z
 RE: Gum print formaline01/30/05-11:10:08 PM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/29/05-10:46:55 PM Z
 Bad Martha01/21/05-12:42:12 AM Z
 Good Grief ! Re: ULF photography01/21/05-12:36:02 AM Z
 Re: Re: Author frustration.01/19/05-11:17:08 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/19/05-11:09:25 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/19/05-11:11:39 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/18/05-04:55:53 PM Z
 Re: Re: Author frustration.01/18/05-04:54:46 PM Z
 Re: alternative to dichromate sensitizer01/18/05-04:53:26 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/17/05-08:49:13 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/17/05-08:26:03 PM Z
 ULF photography01/16/05-02:52:04 PM Z
 RE: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/16/05-02:15:36 PM Z
 Re: Author still frustrated01/16/05-12:31:39 AM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/15/05-11:37:29 PM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-04:10:44 PM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-03:23:44 PM Z
 Ohio actually Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-03:12:21 PM Z
 and not OFFLIST01/14/05-03:01:41 PM Z
 OFFLIST01/14/05-02:59:39 PM Z
 an ON TOPIC message (sort of)01/14/05-02:20:09 AM Z
 RE: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-01:38:13 AM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-01:18:15 AM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-01:11:14 AM Z
 Re: digimarc question01/14/05-12:51:28 AM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-12:48:32 AM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-12:06:39 AM Z
 RE: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/14/05-12:05:05 AM Z
 RE: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/14/05-12:01:41 AM Z
 Re: Explain again please...01/12/05-09:02:23 PM Z
 RE: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/12/05-09:01:53 PM Z
 Re: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/12/05-08:54:23 PM Z
 Re: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/12/05-08:52:05 PM Z
 Explain again please...01/11/05-01:20:01 AM Z
 OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/11/05-01:15:22 AM Z
 Re: You Say Krappy, I Say Dead01/11/05-12:07:51 AM Z
 Re: EW01/10/05-11:52:41 PM Z
 RE: You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/10/05-01:45:58 AM Z
 Re: Photogravure01/06/05-07:53:51 PM Z
 Re: texts01/06/05-12:03:39 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/04/05-01:06:20 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/KrappyCagey01/04/05-01:02:36 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-05:46:09 PM Z
 not funny01/03/05-12:57:47 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-02:51:08 PM Z
Kare Bondeson
 Re: Gum print formaline01/28/05-02:25:42 AM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/26/05-04:35:09 AM Z
Kate M
 RE: Gum printing01/31/05-03:50:18 AM Z
 RE: MACO Genius printfilm01/29/05-10:37:06 PM Z
 RE: a film question01/27/05-07:21:23 PM Z
 RE: MACO Genius printfilm01/27/05-07:22:02 PM Z
 RE: cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/26/05-02:46:23 PM Z
 RE: Gum drives you nuts.01/24/05-03:10:11 PM Z
 RE: Gum drives you nuts.01/24/05-02:57:30 PM Z
 RE: RIP kwik-print?01/24/05-02:38:30 PM Z
 Gum drives you nuts.01/24/05-04:38:35 AM Z
 RE: UV Eye Protection?01/22/05-04:43:29 AM Z
 RE: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/11/05-02:54:30 PM Z
 RE: Liquid Light01/11/05-02:44:15 PM Z
 RE: Crappy Art Snobs01/04/05-04:33:32 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/KrappyCagey01/04/05-04:46:27 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/KrappyCagey01/03/05-11:27:41 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-02:36:37 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy12/31/04-03:15:57 PM Z
 RE: Ammonium Dichromate12/31/04-03:10:02 PM Z
Katharine Thayer
 Re: Gum print formaline01/31/05-10:57:57 AM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/31/05-04:01:54 AM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/30/05-04:09:43 PM Z
 Re: Black Paper?01/20/05-03:14:07 PM Z
 Re: UV Eye Protection?01/20/05-03:10:10 PM Z
 Black Paper?01/20/05-07:08:05 AM Z
 Re: Help with gum printing: was: Transparency01/19/05-06:22:43 AM Z
 Re: Help with gum printing: was: Transparency01/19/05-03:48:41 AM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/18/05-04:21:54 PM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/18/05-12:52:43 PM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/18/05-08:17:13 AM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/18/05-06:27:21 AM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/16/05-08:13:14 AM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/16/05-08:10:40 AM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/14/05-05:19:47 AM Z
 Re: Negatives on Translucent Paper?01/13/05-03:58:22 PM Z
 Photoflood bulbs for gum01/11/05-05:01:35 AM Z
 Re: You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/09/05-05:43:18 AM Z
 Re: You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/09/05-05:06:36 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/05/05-04:53:12 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/05/05-04:25:06 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/05/05-03:27:59 AM Z
 Re: texts01/05/05-01:46:56 AM Z
Kees Brandenburg
 Re: was Re: Gum print formaline, now glyoxal yellowing01/31/05-09:44:26 AM Z
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/28/05-02:47:09 AM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/27/05-08:39:03 AM Z
Keith Gerling
 a film question01/27/05-03:26:08 PM Z
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/27/05-06:50:55 PM Z
Laszlo Layton
 Re: Pinkham and Smith01/21/05-03:23:32 AM Z
Loris Medici
 RE: Precision Digital Negative system01/18/05-02:39:05 AM Z
 RE: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/13/05-07:30:24 AM Z
 RE: scaners01/07/05-09:21:28 AM Z
 RE: texts01/05/05-08:44:12 AM Z
 RE: Speaking of Frame of Mind....01/01/05-07:24:53 AM Z
 RE: Offtopic: Forte01/01/05-06:26:01 AM Z
 Kodak Photo CD bring it back to life01/24/05-06:38:43 PM Z
 Re: OFF TOPIC QUICKIE01/20/05-11:36:30 AM Z
 Commercial PDX Photo Lab Being Bulldozed FREE GEAR01/14/05-01:24:46 PM Z
Marc Gommé
 RE: ULF photography01/17/05-12:44:27 PM Z
maria ahlberg
 Re: Gum printing01/31/05-01:50:55 AM Z
 Gum printing01/29/05-03:24:48 AM Z
 Gum print formaline01/19/05-01:52:53 AM Z
Marie Wohadlo
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-03:32:26 PM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-09:02:50 AM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-08:48:09 AM Z
 You Say Krappy, I Say Dead01/10/05-10:21:16 AM Z
 RE: Crappy/Kontrol01/04/05-10:08:23 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant: Answer01/03/05-02:12:35 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy Rant: Answer01/03/05-01:48:54 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy Rant: Answer01/03/05-01:40:24 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-01:25:23 PM Z
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/30/05-08:56:00 AM Z
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/29/05-10:41:09 AM Z
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/28/05-07:27:39 AM Z
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/28/05-07:26:23 AM Z
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/27/05-09:11:01 PM Z
 MACO Genius printfilm01/27/05-03:35:54 PM Z
 Re: Hello!01/11/05-08:35:09 AM Z
 Re: texts01/05/05-08:37:49 AM Z
Mark Kronquist
Martin Angerman
 Re: Move to synthetic materials (from versatile surfactant_01/17/05-10:26:20 PM Z
 Re: Move to synthetic materials (from versatile surfactant_01/17/05-08:25:01 PM Z
 Re: Move to synthetic materials (from versatile surfactant_01/17/05-09:16:42 AM Z
 Move to synthetic materials (from versatile surfactant_01/16/05-08:33:41 PM Z
 Re: Nu Arc Users?01/12/05-11:16:51 PM Z
Michael Healy
 Re: Cyano Stain01/30/05-02:43:28 PM Z
 Re: Bad Martha01/23/05-01:29:41 AM Z
 Re: Re: Linda Connor in LA01/13/05-10:04:44 AM Z
 Re: Linda Connor in LA01/11/05-09:49:22 PM Z
Michael Koch-Schulte
 Re: cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/26/05-02:56:57 PM Z
 Re: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/22/05-09:33:08 AM Z
 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/21/05-06:59:55 PM Z
 Re: Explain again please...01/11/05-04:59:45 PM Z
 Gocco Printing01/10/05-04:09:19 PM Z
 Re: Cyanotype Sensitiser Dregs On The Bottom01/07/05-04:20:05 PM Z
 Re: scaners01/07/05-01:30:07 PM Z
 Re: Cyanotype Sensitiser Dregs On The Bottom01/07/05-01:24:43 PM Z
 Cyanotype Sensitiser Dregs On The Bottom01/06/05-09:43:33 PM Z
 PET 1 Plastic Bottle Suitable for Cyanotype Sensitiser01/02/05-03:27:00 PM Z
Mike Kirwan
 RE: scanners01/10/05-08:41:45 AM Z
Mike Klemmer
 Re: digimarc question01/13/05-07:19:12 PM Z
 Re: Iron Processes with Dichromate - calibrating curves01/09/05-10:48:13 PM Z
 Iron Processes with Dichromate - calibrating curves01/08/05-11:10:32 AM Z
Milenko Grgar
 Re: cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/26/05-03:35:34 PM Z
 Re: Speaking of Frame of Mind....01/01/05-07:10:42 AM Z
 re: gelatin yellowing01/31/05-09:45:45 AM Z
Neil Miller
 Re: Gum drives you nuts.01/24/05-04:48:38 PM Z
 Re: OT (?) Photoshop bummer01/12/05-09:25:21 PM Z
Nick Makris
 Hass backs and omega 4X5 cameras01/21/05-02:32:50 PM Z
 Re: Submitting work on CD.01/15/05-07:44:19 AM Z
 Fw: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-08:23:16 AM Z
Nick Zentena
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/18/05-10:51:41 AM Z
 Re: Forte01/18/05-06:52:06 AM Z
 Re: Negatives on Translucent Paper?01/13/05-05:10:53 PM Z
 Negatives on Translucent Paper?01/13/05-04:21:59 PM Z
Pam Niedermayer
 Re: ULF photography01/19/05-09:57:21 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/19/05-08:07:30 PM Z
Patrick Jan Van Hove
 Re: a film question01/27/05-06:21:36 PM Z
 Re: silver prints01/21/05-02:44:01 PM Z
 Re: silver prints (Re: ULF photography)01/21/05-12:26:34 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/20/05-12:34:23 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/18/05-02:50:33 AM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/17/05-01:17:44 AM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/16/05-04:33:50 AM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-01:02:59 AM Z
philippe berger
 Réf. : RE: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/11/05-02:58:36 PM Z
 Mamut Gallery01/08/05-04:14:21 AM Z
 Forum photo01/03/05-01:32:21 PM Z
 Réf. : OT: Lost mail about my website01/02/05-01:10:06 PM Z
 200501/01/05-03:21:42 AM Z
Phillip Murphy
 Re: Submitting work on CD.01/16/05-12:07:49 PM Z
 Re: pictorico and pizza01/20/05-08:36:19 PM Z
 Re: Re: Author frustration.01/20/05-05:20:19 AM Z
 Re: Re: tempera interests01/20/05-05:12:51 AM Z
 RE: Re: tempera interests01/19/05-06:45:42 PM Z
 Re: Re: tempera interests01/19/05-06:03:09 PM Z
 Re: Re: Author frustration.01/18/05-05:01:04 PM Z
 Re: Re: Author frustration.01/18/05-10:37:33 AM Z
 Re: Re: Author frustration.01/18/05-10:35:22 AM Z
 Re: Re: Author frustration.01/15/05-10:51:19 AM Z
 Re: RE: Photogravure01/05/05-05:29:10 PM Z
 Re: Photogravure01/05/05-09:31:59 AM Z
 Re: any hard core bulk loader?01/15/05-07:09:34 PM Z
 RE: Transparency01/20/05-05:12:14 PM Z
 RE: Crappy Art Snobs01/05/05-11:17:54 AM Z
Richard Knoppow
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/30/05-06:46:52 PM Z
 Re: Pinkham and Smith01/20/05-07:29:35 PM Z
 Re: Pinkham and Smith01/20/05-07:24:59 PM Z
 Re: OFF TOPIC QUICKIE01/20/05-12:57:55 PM Z
 Re: any hard core bulk loader?01/15/05-07:35:31 PM Z
Rick Retzlaff
 RE: Negatives on Translucent Paper?01/13/05-10:33:42 PM Z
Robert Cockrell
 re: gelatin yellowing01/31/05-12:06:16 AM Z
 RE: Help with gum prints on black paper with white Gouache.01/15/05-03:53:42 PM Z
Robert W. Schramm
 Chrysotype and Uranotype01/24/05-05:29:34 PM Z
 Author still frustrated01/15/05-10:49:34 AM Z
 Author frustration.01/13/05-11:44:41 PM Z
 RE: Cyanotype Sensitiser Dregs On The Bottom01/06/05-09:55:43 PM Z
 RE: Fotospeed Cyanotype Process Kit01/04/05-08:49:28 PM Z
Rodolpho Pajuaba
 Re: cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/27/05-12:21:00 PM Z
Ron Klein
 scaners01/07/05-09:13:05 AM Z
 texts01/05/05-06:50:17 AM Z
Ryuji Suzuki
 Re: Gum print formaline01/31/05-02:54:15 PM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/28/05-03:23:23 PM Z
 Re: a film question01/27/05-06:26:05 PM Z
 Re: cyanotype on glass ( how to clean the glass and other stuff)01/27/05-12:37:13 PM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/27/05-06:43:04 AM Z
 Re: NEW TRI-X IN PMK-redux01/23/05-09:21:24 AM Z
 Re: silver prints01/21/05-02:52:34 PM Z
 Re: silver prints01/21/05-02:10:23 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/20/05-01:23:17 PM Z
 silver prints (Re: ULF photography)01/20/05-02:35:37 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/20/05-12:31:04 AM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/19/05-11:26:34 PM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/19/05-02:25:23 AM Z
 Re: one more note on glyoxal01/18/05-10:42:20 AM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/18/05-01:46:32 AM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/17/05-11:36:18 PM Z
 Re: Move to synthetic materials (from versatile surfactant_01/17/05-09:02:04 PM Z
 Re: Move to synthetic materials (from versatile surfactant_01/17/05-01:53:21 PM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/16/05-11:34:11 PM Z
 Re: Move to synthetic materials (from versatile surfactant_01/17/05-12:10:10 AM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/17/05-12:06:37 AM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/16/05-04:04:24 PM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/16/05-10:48:34 AM Z
 a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/16/05-03:38:52 AM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/15/05-02:03:17 PM Z
 Re: Submitting work on CD.01/15/05-01:54:53 PM Z
 any hard core bulk loader?01/15/05-01:29:03 AM Z
 Re: Submitting work on CD.01/14/05-04:14:03 PM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-01:13:09 AM Z
 Re: Explain again please...01/11/05-04:03:44 PM Z
 Re: exposure time01/05/05-10:52:31 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-11:04:51 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-10:49:50 AM Z
 Re: PET 1 Plastic Bottle Suitable for Cyanotype Sensitiser01/02/05-03:37:13 PM Z
Sam Wang
 Re: Cyano Stain01/30/05-03:18:20 PM Z
Sandy King
 Mark Nelson01/30/05-09:30:14 PM Z
 Re: Fog?01/21/05-02:29:17 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/20/05-10:06:35 PM Z
 Re: vacuum easel?01/20/05-08:49:25 PM Z
 Re: vacuum easel?01/20/05-06:07:16 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/20/05-11:56:09 AM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/20/05-11:42:34 AM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/19/05-08:56:11 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/19/05-05:43:25 PM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/18/05-10:38:17 AM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/17/05-11:44:10 AM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/17/05-11:41:59 AM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/16/05-05:33:32 PM Z
 Re: Iron Processes with Dichromate - calibrating curves01/10/05-09:30:08 AM Z
 Re: Iron Processes with Dichromate - calibrating curves01/09/05-07:22:45 PM Z
 Re: Iron Processes with Dichromate - calibrating curves01/09/05-10:34:42 AM Z
 Re: Iron Processes with Dichromate - calibrating curves01/09/05-10:27:53 AM Z
Schuyler Grace
 RE: UV Eye Protection?01/21/05-06:14:16 PM Z
 UV Eye Protection?01/20/05-09:05:59 PM Z
 You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/07/05-02:57:30 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-07:17:00 PM Z
 RE: Crappy/Krappy01/02/05-01:31:16 PM Z
Scott Wainer
 Re: Cyanotype Sensitiser Dregs On The Bottom01/07/05-05:35:42 PM Z
 Re: Cyanotype Sensitiser Dregs On The Bottom01/07/05-03:19:05 PM Z
 RE: Photogravure01/06/05-04:14:19 PM Z
 RE: alternative to dichromate sensitizer01/20/05-05:41:04 AM Z
 Re: a film question01/28/05-12:19:37 AM Z
 Photos in the snow01/23/05-09:33:26 PM Z
 Re: UV Eye Protection?01/22/05-11:54:29 PM Z
 Re: UV Eye Protection?01/22/05-11:51:15 PM Z
 Re: UV Eye Protection?01/22/05-11:50:20 PM Z
 Photo Chemical Pride01/22/05-11:37:19 PM Z
 Re: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/21/05-09:34:09 PM Z
 Re: Free to a good home... (fwd)01/20/05-03:42:53 AM Z
 Re: ULF photography01/17/05-12:20:11 PM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles; OT Jobo01/16/05-04:59:34 PM Z
 Re: Author frustration. OT Politics01/15/05-09:42:08 AM Z
 Re: Ohio actually Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-09:48:06 PM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-01:38:08 AM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-01:30:28 AM Z
 Re: Author frustration.01/14/05-01:09:11 AM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-01:03:00 AM Z
 Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/13/05-01:28:28 AM Z
 Re: EW01/11/05-02:20:19 PM Z
 Re: Hello! Not a Good Subject Line01/11/05-02:16:04 PM Z
 Re: EW redu01/11/05-12:14:25 AM Z
 Re: EW01/10/05-01:32:39 PM Z
 Re: EW01/10/05-01:25:46 PM Z
 EW01/10/05-02:27:02 AM Z
 Re: Krappy Kamera Show (I juried it)01/10/05-01:43:35 AM Z
 Re: You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/09/05-03:55:47 PM Z
 Re: scaners01/07/05-09:52:34 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/04/05-11:02:58 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Kontrol01/04/05-10:59:16 AM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-11:00:31 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-10:59:24 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-09:18:21 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy Rant01/03/05-09:16:45 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-07:54:23 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-06:07:02 PM Z
 Re: Crappy/Krappy01/03/05-02:20:43 PM Z
 Re: MACO Genius printfilm01/28/05-07:16:46 AM Z
 Re: 500W Halogen lamps instead of a flourescent box?01/22/05-01:23:39 PM Z
 Re: Bad Martha --- way way way off topic01/21/05-05:43:32 PM Z
Susan Huber
 Re: Bad Martha --- way way way off topic01/23/05-10:37:24 AM Z
 Re: digimarc question01/13/05-08:53:42 PM Z
 Re: Explain again please...01/11/05-03:55:01 PM Z
 Re: You Say Krappy, I Say Crappy01/07/05-03:20:54 PM Z
 Re: texts01/05/05-11:20:27 PM Z
 Re: Fotospeed Cyanotype Process Kit01/05/05-07:22:51 AM Z
 Re: Annual Message01/01/05-02:25:28 PM Z
 Re: Offtopic: Forte01/01/05-02:16:12 PM Z
Szabolcs Szeberenyi
 Re: Alt-photo Reminder01/03/05-09:55:57 AM Z
T. E. Andersen
 alternative to dichromate sensitizer01/18/05-09:11:21 AM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/18/05-08:55:45 AM Z
 Re: Move to synthetic materials (from versatile surfactant_01/17/05-09:15:11 PM Z
 Re: a versatile surfactant that kills bubbles01/16/05-06:18:12 PM Z
Tim O'Neill
 Re: Gum print formaline01/28/05-10:23:46 AM Z
 Re: Gum print formaline01/27/05-08:59:57 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/19/05-12:52:15 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/19/05-12:49:03 PM Z
 Re: Help with gum pritns on black paper with white Gouache.01/19/05-12:40:40 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/18/05-11:10:44 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/18/05-02:58:28 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/17/05-08:31:23 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/16/05-09:27:29 PM Z
 Re: tempera interests01/16/05-09:22:40 PM Z
 RE: photoshop settings01/16/05-09:17:37 PM Z
 RE: Author still frustrated01/16/05-01:07:24 PM Z
 tempera interests01/16/05-12:46:50 PM Z
 RE: Ohio actually Re: Camera Arts Article & PDN01/14/05-08:53:48 PM Z
trevor cunningham
 Re: Gum printing01/31/05-12:50:37 AM Z
 Re: Gum drives you nuts.01/24/05-05:23:01 AM Z
 Re: Bad Martha01/21/05-09:12:44 AM Z
 crappie picture and recipe01/07/05-03:37:03 PM Z
 Crappy Art Snobs01/04/05-04:17:27 PM Z

This archive was generated by hypermail 2.1.8 : 02/01/05-09:28:10 AM Z CST