Alt-photo-process Archive Jan 2001
By Author

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423 Messages
Starting:12/31/00-11:16:32 PM Z Ending:01/31/01-11:49:52 PM Z

AuthorSubject Date
 Interesting Photo Books01/27/01-06:55:14 PM Z
 Photo Alt Workshops In London01/27/01-06:24:43 PM Z
 Re: Creative Sunprinting01/27/01-06:17:21 PM Z
 Re: Sheila Metzner: Inherit the Earth01/22/01-02:10:04 AM Z
 UV Light sources in the UK01/07/01-02:20:26 AM Z
 Temperadome Exhibition01/06/01-09:58:57 PM Z
Alan Elliott
 Copper chloride01/28/01-04:16:40 PM Z
Amanda Lane
 Re: process question01/04/01-09:36:42 AM Z
Andre Fuhrmann
 RE: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/31/01-06:26:22 AM Z
 RE: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/31/01-06:24:48 AM Z
 Re: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/30/01-05:24:09 AM Z
 Re: Gum arabic with Cyanotype emulsion01/24/01-04:47:19 AM Z
Andrei Harwell
 Starch Printing (was re: leaf prints)01/11/01-10:51:58 AM Z
Andy Darlow
 Re: process question01/04/01-04:43:13 AM Z
 Re: Canadian Chemical Suppliers?01/28/01-07:33:33 PM Z
 Re: Creative Sunprinting & PDF01/26/01-09:53:16 AM Z
Bill Collins
 Re: b/w negatives from Daylab slide printer01/18/01-06:15:16 AM Z
 Blueprints01/17/01-03:00:57 PM Z
 Re: rubylith and archives01/30/01-08:38:26 PM Z
Bob Kiss
 Re: Formaldehyde and Plants01/28/01-11:18:42 AM Z
 PC GERE01/25/01-03:39:16 AM Z
 Re: DELTA 3200 & PMK01/08/01-02:46:24 AM Z
 Re: proposed new years list resolution01/02/01-08:17:53 PM Z
Brian Ellis
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-11:08:20 AM Z
Burkhardt Kiegeland
 Re: large format negatives01/05/01-08:12:24 AM Z
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-12:56:57 PM Z
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-12:49:05 PM Z
 Re: Piezography01/02/01-09:28:21 AM Z
 Re: Piezography01/02/01-09:25:50 AM Z
Carl Weese
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/28/01-07:34:43 AM Z
 Re: Rolo Pyro Stain01/24/01-04:47:17 PM Z
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/21/01-04:49:52 PM Z
 Re: Arista/Illford v. TriX01/20/01-04:49:21 PM Z
 Paper News01/18/01-10:17:05 AM Z
 Re: Splicing Software01/05/01-08:13:11 AM Z
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-09:36:59 AM Z
 Re: Pd clearing01/04/01-07:02:05 AM Z
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-06:58:01 AM Z
Chris Read
 Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/28/01-08:20:24 AM Z
 Re: UV lamp01/21/01-03:07:35 PM Z
 Re: contact frame01/21/01-03:40:56 AM Z
 Re: contact frame01/20/01-01:57:31 AM Z
Christina Z. Anderson
 Re: Desk top paper negatives - wax?/other stuff01/31/01-11:49:52 PM Z
 Re: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/28/01-04:55:10 PM Z
 POP paper from regular photo paper01/22/01-12:13:16 PM Z
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/19/01-03:13:40 PM Z
 film reticulation and lens website01/18/01-08:20:59 PM Z
 Re: DELTA 3200 & PMK01/07/01-07:01:12 PM Z
 Re: Aluminium Sheets01/07/01-06:11:16 PM Z
 Re: View Camera book recommendation01/07/01-05:55:09 PM Z
 Arista/Illford v. TriX01/20/01-03:22:26 PM Z
Cor Breukel
 Re: Modifying PMK for Rotary use?01/10/01-03:25:37 AM Z
 Re: Color of Vandyke Browns, was First Kallitype01/04/01-02:37:54 AM Z
Craig Koshyk
 Pilgrim (OT)01/24/01-11:57:26 PM Z
 Pilgrim01/24/01-08:39:32 AM Z
d. henderson
 Canadian Chemical Suppliers?01/28/01-01:14:58 PM Z
 Gregg01/26/01-09:30:54 AM Z
 Re: re;leaf prints01/07/01-08:47:21 PM Z
Daniel Williams
 Re: Cross processing.-01/19/01-10:20:00 PM Z
Darryl Baird
 Re: Canadian Chemical Suppliers?01/28/01-04:12:04 PM Z
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/19/01-10:45:54 AM Z
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/18/01-05:38:29 PM Z
Dave & Adina Ewaldz
 Re: Choosing a printer01/29/01-04:50:02 PM Z
 Re: Call for Traveling Portfolio01/13/01-07:01:44 PM Z
 Re: Call for Traveling Portfolio01/13/01-01:33:38 PM Z
Dave Rose
 Dimensional stability of paper negatives?01/28/01-11:23:15 AM Z
 Re: On metal01/27/01-10:52:43 AM Z
 Re: Pilgrim (OT)01/24/01-09:35:51 PM Z
 Re: Pinhole Question?01/06/01-08:25:49 PM Z
 Re: Exposure unit01/04/01-11:07:39 PM Z
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-08:38:12 AM Z
 Re: alt exhibit at Boston University01/03/01-01:04:40 PM Z
 Re: duplication film inquiry01/09/01-07:05:34 PM Z
David J. Romano
 Re: Choosing a printer01/30/01-01:46:54 PM Z
 Re: process question01/04/01-02:57:11 PM Z
 Re: process question01/04/01-11:22:12 AM Z
david lawrence
 proposed new years list resolution01/02/01-04:13:15 PM Z
dean kansky
 Re: Splicing Software01/04/01-06:53:07 PM Z
Diana Bloomfield
 Re: Pilgrim01/24/01-09:38:34 AM Z
 Re: Kid Finish01/06/01-04:58:38 PM Z
 Re: Kid Finish01/06/01-04:52:05 PM Z
Dick Pollard
 Re: desktop negatives, acetate vs paper01/26/01-09:25:54 PM Z
Don Bryant
 Re: coating cyano01/27/01-09:40:58 AM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/25/01-08:14:11 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/25/01-08:55:13 PM Z
 Re: Gum arabic with Cyanotype emulsion01/24/01-10:00:19 PM Z
 Re: Gum arabic with Cyanotype emulsion01/24/01-09:50:39 PM Z
 Gum arabic with Cyanotype emulsion01/23/01-06:36:09 PM Z
 Re: POP paper from regular photo paper01/23/01-06:32:12 PM Z
 Metal Halide lamp source01/21/01-05:32:03 PM Z
 Re: View Camera book recommendation01/03/01-08:49:17 PM Z
Doug Niven
 Re: Splicing Software01/05/01-06:53:17 AM Z
Ellen Sigunick
 duplication film inquiry01/09/01-12:52:17 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/28/01-11:42:26 AM Z
Eric Neilsen
 Re: duplication film inquiry01/10/01-08:11:01 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/26/01-12:29:46 PM Z
 Re: Splicing Software01/04/01-05:12:00 PM Z
 Re: Piezography01/02/01-08:12:10 PM Z
 Re: rubylith and archives01/30/01-04:36:18 PM Z
 Formaldehyde and Plants01/27/01-04:03:02 PM Z
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/27/01-02:40:40 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/27/01-02:33:20 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/27/01-09:45:54 AM Z
 Re: UV lamp01/21/01-06:00:53 PM Z
 Re: UV lamp01/21/01-04:46:31 PM Z
 Re: UV bulbs01/21/01-05:56:41 AM Z
 UV lamp01/21/01-05:50:36 AM Z
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/19/01-08:20:14 AM Z
 Re: Call for Traveling Portfolio01/13/01-06:51:18 PM Z
Fran Engelcke
 Re: Air brushes01/13/01-03:55:43 AM Z
 Air brushes01/12/01-11:45:56 AM Z
Francesco Curcio
 Re: Modifying PMK for rotary use?01/10/01-07:55:56 AM Z
Galina Manikova
 Are you there ?01/27/01-02:30:56 PM Z
 Re: APIS-200101/15/01-04:44:12 PM Z
 Re: APIS-200101/14/01-10:01:52 AM Z
 Re: Carbon on clay01/08/01-02:49:25 PM Z
 Carbon on clay01/07/01-01:13:30 PM Z
Garet Denise
 Re: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/28/01-12:01:53 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/27/01-04:41:11 PM Z
 Re: Exposure unit01/06/01-04:50:41 PM Z
Gary Miller
 View Camera book recommendation01/03/01-05:46:47 PM Z
George Huczek
 Calibrating a Hygrometer01/21/01-12:29:45 PM Z
 Re: Air brushes01/12/01-04:29:31 PM Z
 Re: Home made light sources01/05/01-03:41:26 PM Z
 Home made light sources01/05/01-11:42:50 AM Z
Gordon J. Holtslander
 Searching the Archive01/31/01-09:58:52 AM Z
 Re: rubylith and archives01/30/01-05:19:02 PM Z
Gregg Kemp
 Re: photo process exhibit at Metropolitan Museum of Art01/30/01-08:05:01 AM Z
 photo process exhibit at Metropolitan Museum of Art01/30/01-06:22:19 AM Z
 Re: Google alt listings01/26/01-06:48:21 AM Z
 Re: Google alt listings01/24/01-04:19:15 PM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder01/29/01-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder01/22/01-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder01/15/01-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder01/08/01-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder01/01/01-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder01/01/01-12:00:00 AM Z
 Re:rubylith and archives01/30/01-03:35:25 PM Z
 Re: On metal01/30/01-08:04:10 AM Z
 RE: On metal01/30/01-07:51:50 AM Z
 RE: On metal01/29/01-01:31:08 PM Z
 Re: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/28/01-03:36:12 PM Z
 Re: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/28/01-03:21:33 PM Z
 Re: On metal01/27/01-05:43:59 PM Z
 On metal01/27/01-06:22:53 AM Z
Istvan Bibo
 Pd clearing01/04/01-05:32:34 AM Z
J. Wayde Allen
 Re: Pinhole Question?01/06/01-09:18:51 PM Z
Jack Fulton
 Re: Slightly OT - Teaching01/30/01-10:17:01 AM Z
 Re: POP paper from regular photo paper01/24/01-08:13:12 AM Z
 Final notes on Cross Processing?01/20/01-09:53:31 AM Z
 Re: Cross processing C-4101/19/01-05:02:16 PM Z
 Re: Cross processing C-4101/19/01-09:05:22 AM Z
 Re: APIS 2001 register online01/11/01-04:41:32 PM Z
 Re: View Camera book recommendation01/08/01-10:23:13 AM Z
 Re: Piezography01/02/01-08:26:28 AM Z
James Romeo
 Re: paper neg01/19/01-10:49:52 AM Z
 paper neg01/17/01-05:57:05 PM Z
Jason Revell
 Dye-Sub negatives ?01/09/01-08:18:26 AM Z
Jean Burdett
 phytotype12/31/00-11:31:34 PM Z
 re gum printing without dichromate12/31/00-11:19:29 PM Z
 re: gum printing without dichromate12/31/00-11:16:32 PM Z
Jeffrey D. Mathias
 Re: desktop negatives01/28/01-12:36:17 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/28/01-12:29:45 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/28/01-08:50:10 AM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/28/01-08:49:58 AM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/27/01-07:36:02 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/27/01-08:02:02 AM Z
 Re: Creative Sunprinting01/25/01-09:31:39 PM Z
 Re: b/w negatives01/18/01-07:52:53 AM Z
 Re: Traveling Portfolio01/07/01-11:28:00 PM Z
 Re: Kid Finish01/06/01-10:34:41 PM Z
 Re: Exposure unit01/04/01-11:29:15 PM Z
 Re: Pd clearing01/04/01-06:20:34 AM Z
 Re: alt exhibit at Boston University01/03/01-03:17:40 PM Z
 Re: Piezography01/02/01-02:30:46 PM Z
 RE: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/30/01-02:52:22 PM Z
Joe Portale
 Re: Color of Vandyke Browns, was First Kallitype01/06/01-10:51:24 PM Z
 Re: Color of Vandyke Browns, was First Kallitype01/03/01-05:50:42 PM Z
 Re: Color of Vandyke Browns, was First Kallitype01/02/01-09:11:49 AM Z
 Re: First kallitype01/01/01-07:01:04 PM Z
John Edwards
 Re: Pinhole Question?01/06/01-07:18:05 PM Z
 Re: Splicing Software01/04/01-09:44:08 PM Z
 Re: First Kallitypes, Salt Prints, Piezography01/03/01-10:38:25 PM Z
 Re: contact frame01/21/01-12:46:43 AM Z
 Re: Pinhole Question?01/06/01-03:15:23 PM Z
Juan Riera
 Choosing a printer01/29/01-03:29:58 PM Z
Judy Seigel
 Re: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/31/01-10:05:41 PM Z
 RE: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/31/01-09:15:02 PM Z
 Re: Slightly OT - Teaching01/30/01-11:15:30 PM Z
 Re: Desk toppaper negs -wax01/30/01-02:46:49 AM Z
 Re: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/28/01-02:42:08 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/27/01-11:56:36 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/27/01-11:43:35 PM Z
 registering paper negatives01/27/01-11:12:40 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/27/01-10:59:14 PM Z
 Re: Formaldehyde and Plants01/27/01-10:43:31 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/27/01-10:39:21 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/26/01-11:22:41 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives, acetate vs paper01/26/01-11:10:25 PM Z
 Re: large inkjet negative material01/26/01-11:05:51 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/26/01-10:51:33 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/26/01-10:44:43 PM Z
 Re: PC GERE01/25/01-11:17:49 PM Z
 Re: Creative Sunprinting01/25/01-10:54:07 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/25/01-10:35:39 PM Z
 Creative Sunprinting01/24/01-11:36:53 PM Z
 coating cyano01/24/01-11:24:48 PM Z
 Re: Gum arabic with Cyanotype emulsion01/24/01-12:06:50 AM Z
 Re: UV lamp01/21/01-03:46:03 PM Z
 Re: contact frame01/20/01-11:51:53 PM Z
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/19/01-11:16:18 PM Z
 contact frame01/18/01-03:05:05 AM Z
 Re: paper neg01/18/01-02:36:11 AM Z
 Re: the strange stain01/17/01-12:01:39 AM Z
 the strange stain01/16/01-10:25:14 PM Z
 big (& beautiful) contact frame01/16/01-09:32:12 PM Z
 safelight was Re: duplication film inquiry01/11/01-12:10:03 AM Z
 Re: Kid Finish01/06/01-11:58:31 PM Z
 "purple" black for carbon print?01/06/01-11:37:05 PM Z
 Re: Pinhole Question?01/06/01-11:31:53 PM Z
 Re: Splicing Software01/05/01-01:35:55 AM Z
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-01:31:01 PM Z
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-01:29:33 PM Z
 first kallitype01/01/01-10:02:57 PM Z
 Re: First kallitype01/01/01-05:06:50 PM Z
 gum arabic, was Re: gum printing without dichromate01/01/01-05:03:57 PM Z
 Re: First kallitype01/01/01-04:47:57 PM Z
 Re: Piezography01/01/01-04:42:18 PM Z
 Re: Color of Vandyke Browns, was First Kallitype01/01/01-04:35:35 PM Z
Katharine Thayer
 Re: Pinhole Question?01/07/01-04:25:46 AM Z
 Re: Pinhole Question?01/07/01-04:23:39 AM Z
Keith Gerling
 RE: On metal01/29/01-11:58:45 AM Z
Ken Sinclair
 "Snow White" Virus on the loose01/06/01-11:36:38 PM Z
 Re: process question01/04/01-02:37:34 PM Z
ken watson
 RE: POP paper from regular photo paper01/23/01-06:16:10 PM Z
 RE: Air brushes01/12/01-02:41:50 PM Z
 RE: Ruby glass Ambrotype01/07/01-10:44:29 AM Z
Kenneth Carney
 Re: Choosing a printer01/30/01-05:14:02 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/26/01-04:23:44 PM Z
 Re: Pilgrim (OT)01/25/01-04:54:12 PM Z
Kevin H. Phillips
 Pyrocat-HD formula01/07/01-03:10:11 PM Z
Konstantina Vassalou
 Hellas Related01/21/01-02:33:25 AM Z
Larry Roohr
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/19/01-01:31:04 AM Z
 Re: Piezography01/03/01-06:48:50 AM Z
 Re: Piezography01/01/01-12:12:02 PM Z
 Piezography, was: First kallitype01/01/01-10:00:18 AM Z
Liam Lawless
 Re: POP paper from regular photo paper01/23/01-07:15:52 PM Z
Linda Phillips
 RE: On metal01/29/01-03:14:31 PM Z
Luc Novovitch
 Re: desktop negatives01/28/01-09:40:43 AM Z
 Re: Kid Finish01/06/01-05:27:43 PM Z
 Kid Finish01/06/01-04:26:56 PM Z
 Re: Home made light sources01/05/01-05:25:24 PM Z
Lukas Werth
 Re: Gum arabic with Cyanotype emulsion01/25/01-04:53:44 AM Z
 Re: PC GERE01/25/01-05:07:52 AM Z
 Re: Gum arabic with Cyanotype emulsion01/24/01-05:25:52 AM Z
Mac Legrandi
 Ruby glass Ambrotype01/07/01-01:12:48 AM Z
 Re: Cross processing.-01/19/01-04:43:47 PM Z
Manuel Estébanez
 Re: Carbon on clay01/08/01-02:51:29 PM Z
 Re: Carbon on clay01/07/01-03:08:28 PM Z
 Electroplating daguerreotype plates01/04/01-06:55:11 PM Z
Marc Gomm
 RE: large format negatives01/04/01-10:43:24 AM Z
 RE: large format negatives01/04/01-09:10:35 AM Z
 RE: large format negatives01/04/01-08:57:38 AM Z
 RE: large format negatives01/04/01-08:49:19 AM Z
 large format negatives01/04/01-02:19:00 AM Z
Marco F. Mattana
 Re: Air brushes01/12/01-06:45:41 PM Z
Marco Pauck
 Re: "Snow White" Virus on the loose01/21/01-02:32:52 AM Z
Marek Uliasz
 Sheila Metzner: Inherit the Earth01/21/01-11:10:44 PM Z
 Re: b/w negatives from Daylab slide printer01/17/01-06:38:06 PM Z
 b/w negatives from Daylab slide printer01/17/01-10:35:20 AM Z
Maria Olmedo
 RE: Pilgrim01/24/01-09:39:20 AM Z
mark dungan
 Re: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/28/01-03:17:03 PM Z
 Re: Desk top paper negatives - wax?01/28/01-03:16:33 PM Z
Mary Pat McNally
 Van Gelder paper01/22/01-10:20:31 AM Z
Nick Makris
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/19/01-05:28:37 PM Z
 Re: Piezography01/01/01-11:58:18 AM Z
nze christian
 Re: Pd clearing01/04/01-09:24:48 AM Z
Pam Niedermayer
 Re: Slightly OT - Teaching01/29/01-06:55:42 PM Z
 Re: Choosing a printer01/29/01-03:56:19 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/27/01-11:53:10 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/26/01-11:57:59 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/26/01-12:52:24 PM Z
 Re: Google alt listings01/26/01-08:57:14 AM Z
 Re: Google alt listings01/26/01-02:43:09 AM Z
 Re: Creative Sunprinting01/25/01-11:50:36 PM Z
 Re: UV lamp01/21/01-05:23:32 PM Z
 Re: b/w negatives from Daylab slide printer01/17/01-08:51:08 PM Z
 Re: b/w negatives from Daylab slide printer01/17/01-06:01:02 PM Z
 Re: Kid Finish01/06/01-11:57:09 PM Z
 Re: Home made light sources01/05/01-12:07:32 PM Z
 Re: Splicing Software01/05/01-07:42:37 AM Z
 Re: Splicing Software01/04/01-04:50:00 PM Z
Peter Fredrik
 Re: Desk toppaper negs -wax01/30/01-02:05:01 AM Z
 Desk toppaper negs -wax01/29/01-12:18:10 PM Z
 Re: Are you there ?01/27/01-09:07:27 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/26/01-04:45:50 PM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/25/01-06:12:41 PM Z
 Re: Creative Sunprinting01/25/01-01:54:05 PM Z
 Re: Creative Sunprinting01/25/01-07:19:48 AM Z
Peter Marshall
 Re: Copper chloride01/28/01-04:32:20 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/28/01-03:56:19 PM Z
 Re: Piezography01/02/01-11:35:18 AM Z
 Re: carbon purple black01/07/01-03:25:53 PM Z
Rachelle A. Dermer
 process question01/04/01-08:48:18 AM Z
Randall Webb
 Re: Slightly OT - Teaching01/31/01-07:18:32 PM Z
 Re: Slightly OT - Teaching01/31/01-01:27:30 AM Z
 Re: Creative Sunprinting01/28/01-08:50:38 PM Z
 Re: Gum arabic with Cyanotype emulsion01/25/01-02:05:45 AM Z
 Re: Gum arabic with Cyanotype emulsion01/25/01-01:58:12 AM Z
 Re: POP paper from regular photo paper01/23/01-11:10:20 PM Z
 Re: First kallitype01/05/01-11:08:39 PM Z
 Re: Gum and India01/04/01-07:42:28 PM Z
 Re: Pilgrim01/24/01-03:57:38 PM Z
Richard Knoppow
 Alfred Stieglitz Exhibit in D.C.01/25/01-03:08:47 PM Z
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/21/01-04:55:50 PM Z
Richard Koolish
 clouds over Creative Sunprinting01/25/01-03:02:04 PM Z
 alt exhibit at Boston University01/03/01-08:13:57 AM Z
Richard M. Koolish
 Google alt listings01/24/01-08:12:48 AM Z
 positive cyanotype01/18/01-10:20:30 AM Z
 there is a pinhole mailing list01/07/01-08:52:45 AM Z
 Re: alt exhibit at Boston University01/03/01-02:39:20 PM Z
 Re: alt exhibit at Boston University01/03/01-02:34:35 PM Z
Richard M. Papazian
 Re: paper neg01/19/01-06:17:19 PM Z
 Re: View Camera book recommendation01/03/01-06:41:41 PM Z
Richard Morris
 Re: paper neg01/18/01-03:49:48 AM Z
 Re: paper neg01/18/01-03:19:34 AM Z
Richard Sullivan FRPS
 Re: APIS-200101/15/01-12:52:34 PM Z
 APIS 2001 register online01/10/01-10:52:10 AM Z
 PhotoArts Santa Fe and APIS 200101/07/01-02:01:40 PM Z
Robert Hall
 RE: Copper chloride01/28/01-04:43:11 PM Z
 Copper chloride01/28/01-11:47:52 AM Z
Robert W. Schramm
 Re: Choosing a printer01/30/01-09:49:59 PM Z
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/21/01-04:33:45 PM Z
 Birthday01/12/01-07:08:04 PM Z
 More on red safelights01/12/01-07:02:27 PM Z
Robkin, Eugene
 RE: On metal01/30/01-09:48:09 AM Z
 Rolo Pyro Stain01/24/01-03:44:09 PM Z
Rod Fleming
 Re: First kallitype01/06/01-04:58:49 AM Z
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-08:51:23 AM Z
 Re: First kallitype01/01/01-06:51:41 PM Z
 Re: gum printing without dichromate01/01/01-05:44:29 AM Z
 Re: First kallitype01/01/01-04:34:09 AM Z
roger kockaerts
 Re: large format negatives01/05/01-10:31:03 AM Z
 Re: Pinhole Question?01/07/01-12:02:40 PM Z
 Re: Pinhole Question?01/06/01-09:13:56 PM Z
 Pinhole Question?01/06/01-01:39:23 PM Z
Sandy King
 rubylith and archives01/30/01-03:21:53 PM Z
 Re: Desk toppaper negs -wax01/30/01-03:25:19 AM Z
 Re: On metal01/30/01-03:02:12 AM Z
 RE: On metal01/29/01-02:33:53 PM Z
 Re: Creative Sunprinting01/25/01-08:22:39 PM Z
 Re: UV lamp01/21/01-05:10:09 PM Z
 Re: the strange stain01/16/01-11:07:38 PM Z
 Re: Modifying PMK for Rotary use?01/09/01-09:34:22 PM Z
 Re: View Camera book recommendation01/08/01-11:13:55 AM Z
 Substituiing Ammonium & Potassium dichromate01/08/01-05:05:56 AM Z
 Re: Pyrocat-HD formula01/07/01-04:17:20 PM Z
 Re: First kallitype01/06/01-02:37:22 AM Z
 Splicing Software01/04/01-04:13:37 PM Z
 RE: large format negatives01/04/01-09:47:01 AM Z
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-09:09:34 AM Z
 carbon tissue, was Re: First kallitype01/02/01-12:15:54 AM Z
 Rules of the List01/01/01-11:53:37 PM Z
 Color of Vandyke Browns, was First Kallitype01/01/01-12:38:00 PM Z
Sarah Van Keuren
 Re: Slightly OT - Teaching01/30/01-09:21:34 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives01/27/01-09:29:04 AM Z
 Re: desktop negatives, acetate vs paper01/26/01-10:45:03 PM Z
 Re: desktop negatives, acetate vs paper01/26/01-08:26:19 PM Z
 desktop negatives01/26/01-09:00:18 AM Z
 Re: coating cyano01/25/01-08:32:05 AM Z
 Re: "Snow White" Virus on the loose01/20/01-10:59:17 PM Z
 Re: Dan Burkholder's book01/19/01-09:36:51 PM Z
 Re: Color of Vandyke Browns, was First Kallitype01/03/01-09:30:49 PM Z
 Re: Color of Vandyke Browns, was First Kallitype01/02/01-09:43:40 PM Z
 Re: Color of Vandyke Browns, was First Kallitype01/01/01-08:00:09 PM Z
 Re: gum printing without dichromate01/01/01-09:16:07 AM Z
 Re: First kallitype01/01/01-09:25:07 AM Z
shannon stoney
 desktop negatives, acetate vs paper01/26/01-04:51:05 PM Z
Sil Horwitz
 Re: film reticulation01/18/01-09:23:25 PM Z
 Re: Mixing Ammonium & Potassium based chemistry01/08/01-12:06:31 PM Z
 Mixing Ammonium & Potassium based chemistry01/08/01-02:10:44 AM Z
 Gelabrom on handcoated papers / VC emusions01/01/01-04:05:07 AM Z
Steve Shapiro
 Re: Orange Flair By Cross processing C-4101/19/01-10:49:00 AM Z
 Re: More on safelights01/12/01-10:55:26 PM Z
 Re: re;leaf prints01/07/01-03:34:15 PM Z
terry roth
 Re: re;leaf prints01/07/01-06:04:37 PM Z
 Re: "Snow White" Virus on the loose01/06/01-11:44:34 PM Z
 Re: Kid Finish01/06/01-11:40:52 PM Z
 Re: Kid Finish01/06/01-11:39:32 PM Z
The Painted Horse
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/19/01-04:50:37 PM Z
Tillman Crane
 Re: duplication film inquiry01/10/01-10:17:12 AM Z
 Re: duplication film inquiry01/09/01-02:54:50 PM Z
Tom Ferguson
 Re: coating cyano01/26/01-12:56:47 AM Z
 Re: safelight was Re: duplication film inquiry01/11/01-12:40:33 AM Z
 Re: large format negatives01/04/01-02:12:43 AM Z
Tom Hawkins
 re: desktop negatives01/29/01-03:38:16 PM Z
 Cross processing E-6/C-4101/21/01-10:40:06 PM Z
 Cross Processing01/19/01-11:42:08 PM Z
 Re: Cross processing C-4101/19/01-09:01:20 PM Z
 Re: Cross processing.-01/19/01-04:22:04 PM Z
 Re: Cross processing C-4101/19/01-02:41:10 PM Z
 Cross processing C-4101/18/01-11:52:48 PM Z
 Re: More on safelights01/12/01-11:20:48 PM Z
 More on safelights01/12/01-07:48:36 PM Z
Tox Gunn
 Re: Slightly OT - Teaching01/29/01-05:57:49 PM Z
 Re: film reticulation and lens website01/18/01-08:24:34 PM Z
 Re: Modifying PMK for rotary use?01/10/01-10:16:50 AM Z
 Re: Modifying PMK for Rotary use?01/09/01-10:51:58 PM Z
 Modifying PMK for Rotary use?01/09/01-07:53:14 PM Z
 Re: process question01/04/01-10:08:53 AM Z
 Slightly OT - Teaching01/29/01-05:05:05 PM Z
 re: desktop negatives01/29/01-04:50:04 PM Z
 Alt exhibit at Boston University01/22/01-12:52:19 PM Z
 UV Bulbs for pt/pd01/22/01-10:04:23 AM Z
 Exposure unit01/04/01-10:18:51 AM Z
 Re: alt exhibit at Boston University01/03/01-02:18:49 PM Z
 Vacuum Easel01/02/01-11:49:07 AM Z
 Re: duplication film inquiry01/09/01-07:15:20 PM Z
Walt Goettman
 Re: On metal01/29/01-02:41:27 PM Z
 Sacilotto Book01/19/01-11:42:46 AM Z
Wayne D
 Re: Pinhole Question?01/06/01-07:17:52 PM Z
 Re: Arista/Illford v. TriX01/19/01-06:54:50 AM Z
 RE: Hellas Related01/22/01-09:33:06 AM Z

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