July 2001
By Author

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537 Messages
Starting:07/27/00-03:21:26 AM Z Ending:07/31/01-09:55:06 PM Z

AuthorSubject Date
Alan Duke
 Re: to pre-soak or not07/21/01-05:35:06 PM Z
 Re: bisulphate/bisulphite07/31/01-12:55:13 AM Z
 bisulphate/bisulphite07/30/01-04:02:37 AM Z
 Ri:Re: Online Gum Chemistry Suppliers07/27/01-04:47:56 AM Z
 metric units07/27/01-02:07:01 AM Z
 Re: Italian Alt-Photo Web site07/25/01-08:14:21 AM Z
 Italian Alt-Photo Web site07/23/01-03:55:30 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/16/01-02:29:56 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/16/01-02:29:48 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/16/01-02:29:38 AM Z
 archival salt prints07/09/01-04:06:01 AM Z
Andre Fuhrmann
 (no subject)07/20/01-07:57:50 AM Z
 unsubscribe07/20/01-07:36:00 AM Z
 Re: archival salt prints07/09/01-08:49:29 AM Z
Anthony JAHN
 Re: pyro literature07/20/01-03:42:19 AM Z
 Re: Frosted Glass07/16/01-07:55:19 AM Z
Baird, Darryl
 RE: Re: digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting for AlternativeProcesses)07/05/01-10:25:54 PM Z
 RE: Re: digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting for AlternativeProcesses)07/05/01-10:21:52 PM Z
Bill Collins
 Re: school ventilation07/22/01-03:42:58 PM Z
 RE: Digital Cameras/ rechargeable batteries07/18/01-01:04:34 PM Z
 Re: Frosted Glass07/16/01-08:21:17 AM Z
 Re: Frosted Glass07/16/01-05:42:19 AM Z
 Re: UV Color Changing Embroidery thread07/28/01-03:03:46 PM Z
 Re: film for Darkroom sink coating07/17/01-02:55:46 PM Z
 Re: Frosted Glass07/16/01-05:02:58 PM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/16/01-02:57:52 PM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/16/01-12:55:47 PM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/16/01-12:25:57 PM Z
 Re: Frosted Glass07/16/01-12:23:37 PM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/16/01-12:18:19 PM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/15/01-01:47:46 PM Z
Bob and Carla
 Re: to pre-soak or not07/21/01-04:22:43 PM Z
 Re: using jobo with another base07/20/01-04:49:30 PM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/18/01-10:32:03 AM Z
Bob Kiss
 Re: The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes07/27/01-08:43:08 PM Z
 2 CONGRATS, I.D. & APPROACH07/01/01-08:10:23 PM Z
Bob Mazzullo
 RE: making casein07/24/01-09:27:04 PM Z
 RE: hanging sheet film07/15/01-07:39:59 PM Z
 Re: Cyanotype total failure07/29/01-06:24:16 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/22/01-06:15:43 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/20/01-05:35:13 AM Z
 Re: helios & other pigment info07/16/01-02:52:39 PM Z
 Re: Gum Bichromate internet conference board07/07/01-03:56:47 PM Z
 Carbon Tissue07/01/01-07:29:37 AM Z
Breukel, C
 Re: answers & casein Re: A couple gum questions...07/24/01-04:06:42 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/17/01-08:01:09 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/17/01-02:24:27 AM Z
 Re: Cor Breukel/OT!07/02/01-02:52:31 AM Z
Brian Ellis
 Re: school ventilation07/22/01-01:56:08 PM Z
 Re: homemade tubes07/22/01-01:53:58 PM Z
 Re: pre-soaking film in tubes07/21/01-03:43:01 PM Z
 Re: HP5 and fog07/20/01-04:33:05 PM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/18/01-04:12:39 PM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/17/01-10:25:31 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/17/01-10:22:20 AM Z
 Re: digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting for Alternative Processes)07/01/01-01:32:53 PM Z
by way of Sandy King
 Fwd: Re: bromide drag07/21/01-10:47:09 AM Z
Carl Weese
 Re: bromide drag07/21/01-07:13:10 PM Z
 Re: bromide drag07/21/01-07:21:35 AM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-12:44:18 PM Z
 Re: Lost Messages from Carl Weese and Others07/20/01-12:43:04 PM Z
 Re: Lost Messages from Carl Weese and Others07/20/01-12:29:46 PM Z
 Re: buying a jobo processor07/20/01-09:50:56 AM Z
 Re: HP5 and fog07/20/01-08:55:54 AM Z
 Re: negative repair07/20/01-08:52:13 AM Z
 Re: HP5 and fog07/20/01-05:40:31 AM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/17/01-07:18:14 PM Z
 Re: Sodium Metaborate07/15/01-08:49:58 AM Z
 Re: slightly off topic-gitzo screw07/02/01-03:24:12 PM Z
Charles Dias
 Lens flare problem - ignore the last message07/10/01-07:54:32 PM Z
 Lens flare problem07/10/01-07:53:30 PM Z
 Equipment trade offer07/02/01-06:29:17 PM Z
Christina Z. Anderson
 Re: bleach/etch mordancage07/31/01-09:11:19 AM Z
 bleach/etch mordancage07/29/01-09:26:31 AM Z
 Re: making casein07/24/01-08:35:17 AM Z
 Re: HP5 and fog07/20/01-07:37:56 AM Z
 Re: Sodium Metaborate07/16/01-01:32:30 PM Z
 Re: Sodium Metaborate07/16/01-11:52:21 AM Z
 Real Estate was: [Fwd: Re: Art and livelihood]07/09/01-09:31:31 AM Z
 Re: [Fwd: Re: Art and livelihood]07/06/01-02:31:51 PM Z
 [Fwd: Re: Art and livelihood]07/06/01-09:13:27 AM Z
 Digicams07/18/01-08:54:45 AM Z
Craig Koshyk
 Re: Digital Cameras07/18/01-09:55:20 AM Z
Darryl Baird
 Re: Sodium Metaborate07/15/01-10:45:23 PM Z
 Re: ? what is this processes07/14/01-02:51:46 PM Z
 Re: [Fwd: Re: Art and livelihood]07/09/01-08:45:51 AM Z
Dave Rose
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/30/01-07:33:33 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/29/01-08:16:35 AM Z
 Re: making casein (Earth Pigments)07/24/01-09:33:52 PM Z
 Re: Online Gum Chemistry Suppliers07/24/01-07:45:53 PM Z
 Re: making casein (Earth Pigments)07/24/01-07:35:02 PM Z
 Re: 8x10 BTZS tubes07/23/01-06:49:04 PM Z
 Re: HP5 and fog07/20/01-07:21:54 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/19/01-10:09:18 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/19/01-08:08:03 PM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/17/01-09:50:53 PM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/15/01-10:26:31 AM Z
Dick Pollard
 unsubscribe07/11/01-08:20:08 PM Z
e n
 Re: pre-soaking film in tubes07/21/01-12:29:30 PM Z
 Re: buying a jobo processor07/20/01-12:52:59 PM Z
 Re: archival salt prints07/09/01-11:09:10 AM Z
Ed Herny
 Bromoil history07/17/01-10:57:09 PM Z
Ed Stander
 Re: homemade tubes and fixer, etc; hazards of bad ventilation07/22/01-10:58:08 AM Z
 Re: UV thread and other threads07/31/01-09:55:06 PM Z
 Re: Process Colours for Gum07/25/01-11:19:29 AM Z
 Re: Lost Messages from Carl Weese and Others07/20/01-02:20:46 PM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/18/01-08:50:03 AM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/17/01-11:56:58 PM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/17/01-11:54:46 PM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/17/01-11:52:06 PM Z
Eric Boutilier-Brown
 RE: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-08:15:55 PM Z
Eric Maquiling
 Members are SO RUDE07/03/01-09:10:31 AM Z
Eric Neilsen
 Re: Reducing a PT/PD print07/28/01-10:29:44 AM Z
 Re: archival salt prints07/09/01-01:40:43 PM Z
 Re: Metol Discontinued???07/31/01-03:14:25 PM Z
 Re: school ventilation07/22/01-07:07:50 PM Z
 Metol Discontinued???07/31/01-02:44:06 PM Z
 Re: helios & other pigment info07/16/01-03:06:29 PM Z
 Re: keeping on topic07/11/01-06:07:20 AM Z
 Re: homemade tubes and fixer, etc; hazards of bad ventilation07/22/01-03:50:40 PM Z
 Re: white specks on cyanotypes07/10/01-12:41:14 AM Z
Gary Beasley
 RE: where to buy book07/29/01-06:39:12 AM Z
 Re: T-max developer and other non-T-max films07/20/01-04:10:31 PM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/17/01-06:40:42 PM Z
 Re: ? what is this processes07/14/01-02:51:43 PM Z
Gary Miller
 Re: rechargeable batteries07/18/01-07:42:03 PM Z
 Re: what is a normal subject brightness range?07/18/01-07:36:51 PM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras/ rechargeable batteries07/18/01-09:16:18 AM Z
 Re: Sodium Metaborate07/15/01-09:45:14 AM Z
 Art and livelihood07/06/01-08:17:08 AM Z
 FW: Art, livelihood, and survival07/05/01-09:57:56 PM Z
 FW: Art, livelihood, and survival07/04/01-08:15:00 PM Z
 Art, livelihood, and survival07/04/01-07:40:33 PM Z
George Huczek
 Re: making casein07/24/01-09:04:29 AM Z
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-01:37:39 PM Z
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-08:12:05 AM Z
 Re: Gum Question07/10/01-08:06:42 AM Z
 Re: Gum Question07/10/01-08:01:27 AM Z
 Re: Gum Question07/09/01-07:30:49 PM Z
 Gum Question07/09/01-04:21:28 PM Z
Gordon J. Holtslander
 Re: metric units07/27/01-09:58:23 AM Z
 viruses07/26/01-11:47:39 AM Z
 cheap threaded tubes07/23/01-03:06:31 PM Z
 ventilation/carbon filter07/23/01-03:01:00 PM Z
 Re: homemade tubes07/22/01-01:29:03 PM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/21/01-10:41:51 PM Z
 Re: Lost Messages from Carl Weese and Others07/20/01-02:05:37 PM Z
 Re: Lost Messages from Carl Weese and Others07/20/01-01:48:36 PM Z
 Re: Lost Messages from Carl Weese and Others07/20/01-11:35:48 AM Z
 Re: negative repair07/20/01-11:18:09 AM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/18/01-12:08:42 AM Z
 18' cirkut camera07/18/01-12:03:43 AM Z
 Re: Plastic's for making darkroom sinks07/17/01-10:41:48 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/16/01-03:12:34 PM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/16/01-02:25:06 PM Z
 archives updated07/16/01-08:58:39 AM Z
 Re: Archive07/15/01-10:01:51 PM Z
 RE: Art, livelihood, and survival07/05/01-10:54:50 AM Z
 Re: digital gum negatives07/04/01-07:07:20 PM Z
 Re: Ri:Re: Online Gum Chemistry Suppliers07/27/01-06:10:34 AM Z
 Re: Fw: Virus infection07/25/01-03:02:47 PM Z
 Re: Combi Tanks07/18/01-03:24:51 PM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/17/01-05:55:19 AM Z
 slightly off topic-gitzo screw07/02/01-03:03:53 PM Z
H & G Weller
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/21/01-06:05:36 AM Z
Harald Leban
 Re: Carbon Tissue on ceramics or glass07/02/01-12:58:56 PM Z
 Re: Fw: Virus infection07/25/01-04:05:01 PM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder07/30/01-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder07/23/01-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder07/16/01-12:00:02 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder07/09/01-12:00:01 AM Z
 Alt-photo Reminder07/02/01-12:00:00 AM Z
 Alt-Photo Monthly Reminder07/01/01-12:00:00 AM Z
 Online Gum Chemistry Suppliers07/20/01-09:21:05 AM Z
 Paper Negatives07/18/01-04:30:16 PM Z
Istvan Bibo
 Re: Reducing a PT/PD print07/25/01-07:16:05 AM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-03:19:48 PM Z
Jack Fulton
 UV thread and other threads07/31/01-08:11:27 AM Z
 Re: Italian Alt-Photo Web site07/26/01-07:59:23 AM Z
 Re: Italian Alt-Photo Web site07/25/01-07:39:08 AM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/17/01-09:08:37 PM Z
 Re: Frosted Glass07/16/01-09:56:59 PM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/16/01-09:47:16 PM Z
 Re: ? what is this processes07/14/01-10:22:18 AM Z
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-03:10:48 PM Z
 Re: Silk and color07/08/01-11:35:02 AM Z
 Silk and color07/07/01-12:33:13 PM Z
 Re: livelihood/art07/05/01-09:51:00 PM Z
 Banding07/05/01-02:20:42 PM Z
jacques verschuren
 Re: Shooting for Alternative Processes07/01/01-03:53:45 AM Z
James Young
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/18/01-12:17:35 AM Z
 Darkroom sink coating?07/16/01-12:05:37 PM Z
 Re: Frosted Glass07/16/01-11:38:13 AM Z
 where to buy book07/28/01-09:56:08 AM Z
 FW: history of photography07/15/01-05:13:30 PM Z
 ? what is this processes07/14/01-11:54:41 AM Z
 ? what is this processes07/14/01-09:56:38 AM Z
 FW: world report07/12/01-09:37:02 AM Z
Jan Arnow
 Re: white specks on cyanotypes07/10/01-10:59:46 AM Z
Jan Kapoor
 Re: The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes07/27/01-06:09:12 PM Z
Jan Pietrzak
 Re: what is a normal subject brightness range?07/18/01-03:25:45 PM Z
Jeffrey D. Mathias
 Re: Reducing a PT/PD print07/28/01-08:54:08 PM Z
 Re: negative repair07/20/01-06:53:58 AM Z
 Re: negative repair07/20/01-06:51:00 AM Z
 Re: what is a normal subject brightness range?07/18/01-02:05:46 PM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/18/01-05:37:36 AM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/16/01-11:54:13 AM Z
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-10:14:34 AM Z
 keeping on topic07/10/01-07:49:18 AM Z
 Re: Dan answers the where-to-buy-book question07/10/01-07:48:57 AM Z
 RE: livelihood/art07/04/01-01:00:25 PM Z
 RE: slightly off topic-gitzo screw07/02/01-08:32:54 PM Z
Joao Ribeiro
 Re: Metol Discontinued???07/31/01-03:41:25 PM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/15/01-05:37:22 PM Z
Joe Portale
 Re: school ventilation07/22/01-04:52:11 PM Z
 Re: bromide drag07/21/01-10:32:29 AM Z
 HP5 and fog07/19/01-09:13:09 PM Z
 Re: Sodium Metaborate07/15/01-07:33:00 PM Z
 Re: Lens flare problem - ignore the last message07/11/01-07:33:30 PM Z
 Re: archival salt prints07/09/01-10:57:40 AM Z
 re: livelihood and art07/08/01-02:41:14 PM Z
 Re: livelihood/art07/08/01-02:39:04 PM Z
 Re: alternative film maker (Maya Deren)07/06/01-09:11:25 PM Z
 Re: livelihood/art07/04/01-11:38:45 AM Z
John Roseborough
 Re: Sodium Metaborate07/15/01-09:46:53 AM Z
Jonathan Bailey
 RE: bleach/etch mordancage07/30/01-06:53:20 AM Z
 RE: where to buy book07/28/01-01:21:33 PM Z
 RE: I want to do daguerreotypes!07/17/01-07:26:19 PM Z
 RE: Art, livelihood, and survival07/05/01-06:32:40 AM Z
 RE: cyanotype: weird lilac color07/04/01-09:19:17 AM Z
 Re: HP5 and fog07/20/01-07:59:24 PM Z
 Re: Sodium Metaborate07/17/01-12:11:06 AM Z
Juan Riera
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-04:16:14 PM Z
Judy Seigel
 RE: bleach/etch mordancage07/30/01-01:00:55 PM Z
 Re: bisulphate/bisulphite07/30/01-12:53:23 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/30/01-12:43:43 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/30/01-12:35:43 PM Z
 RE: where to buy book07/29/01-11:59:11 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/29/01-11:54:59 PM Z
 Re: bleach/etch mordancage07/29/01-11:43:11 PM Z
 RE: where to buy book07/29/01-12:23:36 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/29/01-12:08:52 AM Z
 Re: making casein07/28/01-02:45:08 PM Z
 RE: making casein07/28/01-02:39:46 PM Z
 The Book of Alternative Photographic Processes07/27/01-01:53:11 PM Z
 Re: Online Gum Chemistry Suppliers07/27/01-12:41:36 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/27/01-12:09:41 PM Z
 Re: metric units07/27/01-02:22:55 AM Z
 Re: Online Gum Chemistry Suppliers07/27/01-01:24:34 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/27/01-01:16:54 AM Z
 Re: making casein07/24/01-09:01:07 PM Z
 Re: making casein07/24/01-08:58:34 PM Z
 Re: answers & casein Re: A couple gum questions...07/24/01-12:50:17 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/24/01-12:41:46 AM Z
 Re: 8x10 BTZS tubes07/24/01-12:14:36 AM Z
 8x10 BTZS tubes07/23/01-05:11:53 PM Z
 Re: school ventilation07/23/01-02:31:03 AM Z
 Re: school ventilation07/22/01-03:50:43 PM Z
 answers & casein Re: A couple gum questions...07/22/01-03:34:02 PM Z
 school ventilation07/22/01-02:22:59 PM Z
 Re: homemade tubes07/22/01-01:56:23 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/21/01-11:52:30 PM Z
 Re: bromide drag07/21/01-11:34:44 PM Z
 Re: negative repair07/20/01-09:03:55 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/20/01-08:59:18 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/19/01-12:44:43 PM Z
 RE: I want to do daguerreotypes!07/18/01-08:48:38 PM Z
 Re:Pthalo and staining (was: helios....)07/17/01-01:46:22 PM Z
 pyro literature07/17/01-01:39:26 PM Z
 Re: Plastics for making darkroom sinks /was:"Plastic's," etc.07/17/01-12:56:33 PM Z
 correction Re: helios & other pigment info07/16/01-03:14:17 PM Z
 Re: helios & other pigment info07/16/01-03:11:50 PM Z
 Re: Frosted Glass07/16/01-02:57:32 PM Z
 Re: helios & other pigment info07/16/01-12:30:13 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/15/01-11:32:28 PM Z
 Re: helios & other pigment info07/14/01-01:27:07 PM Z
 bleach07/13/01-01:39:04 AM Z
 Re: RE: helios & other pigment info07/12/01-08:13:59 PM Z
 other in inkjet printer07/11/01-07:41:36 PM Z
 helios & other pigment info07/11/01-07:35:42 PM Z
 digital neg07/10/01-02:43:56 PM Z
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-02:38:02 PM Z
 Re: Gum Question07/10/01-01:06:03 AM Z
 lacquer for salt prints07/10/01-12:56:32 AM Z
 Re: Real Estate was: [Fwd: Re: Art and livelihood]07/10/01-12:45:57 AM Z
 Re: white specks on cyanotypes07/10/01-12:37:07 AM Z
 Re: [Fwd: Re: Art and livelihood]07/09/01-12:06:41 AM Z
 Re: Paper for Historical Project07/08/01-11:18:35 PM Z
 Re: toned photographs07/07/01-05:20:53 PM Z
 dyed silk, inkjet negs, etc.07/07/01-02:47:29 PM Z
 Re: [Fwd: Re: Art and livelihood]07/06/01-02:06:18 PM Z
 toned photographs07/06/01-02:00:18 PM Z
 Re: alternative film maker (Maya Deren)07/06/01-01:42:30 PM Z
 alternative film maker (Maya Deren)07/05/01-10:37:49 PM Z
 Re: livelihood/art07/04/01-01:48:46 AM Z
 also weather report Re: 2 CONGRATS, I.D. & APPROACH07/02/01-02:33:15 PM Z
 old photo paper07/01/01-02:27:27 PM Z
 Cor Breukel07/01/01-02:10:10 PM Z
Karen McCall Pengra
 livelihood/art07/02/01-04:04:22 PM Z
Katharine Thayer
 Re: bisulphate/bisulphite07/30/01-07:23:38 AM Z
 Re: bisulphate/bisulphite07/30/01-02:39:00 AM Z
 Re: Process Colours for Gum07/25/01-08:46:58 AM Z
 Re: Process Colours for Gum07/25/01-04:37:17 AM Z
 Re: Process Colours for Gum07/25/01-02:49:19 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/22/01-02:23:29 AM Z
 Re: tray-development07/20/01-03:45:30 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/19/01-02:25:07 AM Z
 Re:Pthalo and staining (was: helios....)07/16/01-05:45:09 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/15/01-03:25:28 AM Z
 Re: helios & other pigment info07/14/01-03:48:09 AM Z
 Re: Gum Question07/09/01-10:55:42 AM Z
 Re: Gum Question07/09/01-09:53:20 AM Z
 Re: Paper for Historical Project07/08/01-06:05:36 AM Z
 Re: Gum Bichromate internet conference board07/05/01-06:51:19 AM Z
 Re: digital gum negatives07/05/01-04:36:16 AM Z
 Re: digital gum negatives07/04/01-03:20:21 PM Z
 Re: digital gum negatives07/04/01-01:00:10 PM Z
 Re: digital gum negatives07/04/01-12:40:46 PM Z
Keith Gerling
 RE: helios & other pigment info07/11/01-08:59:40 PM Z
 RE: Gum Question07/10/01-09:23:59 AM Z
Ken Sinclair
 Re: hanging sheet film07/15/01-03:42:03 PM Z
ken watson
 rechargeable batteries07/18/01-09:59:23 AM Z
 RE: Digital Cameras/ rechargeable batteries07/18/01-08:58:33 AM Z
 RE: Plastics for making darkroom sinks /was:"Plastic's," etc.07/17/01-07:17:03 PM Z
 RE: Digital Cameras07/17/01-07:04:20 PM Z
 RE: I want to do daguerreotypes!07/17/01-06:52:24 PM Z
 Plastic's for making darkroom sinks07/17/01-09:17:11 AM Z
 RE:film for Darkroom sink coating07/17/01-09:03:03 AM Z
 RE: daguerreotypist Belgium07/16/01-09:00:45 AM Z
 RE: lacquer for salt prints07/10/01-08:45:06 AM Z
 Re: homemade tubes and fixer, etc; hazards of bad ventilation07/22/01-03:00:14 PM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-02:59:53 PM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-02:15:21 PM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-02:10:56 PM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-11:44:56 AM Z
Larry Roohr
 RE: making casein07/28/01-03:22:14 PM Z
 RE: Darkroom sink coating?07/15/01-08:37:24 AM Z
 RE: Frosted Glass07/16/01-06:49:04 AM Z
 Re: digital gum negatives07/04/01-10:22:23 AM Z
 Re: digital gum negatives07/05/01-08:54:26 AM Z
 Re: Re: Re: digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting forAlternativeProcesses)07/04/01-06:56:16 PM Z
 Re: Re: Re: digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting forAlternativeProcesses)07/04/01-06:51:37 PM Z
 Re: Re: digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting for AlternativeProcesses)07/04/01-01:37:25 PM Z
 Re: digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting for Alternative Processes)07/04/01-11:57:25 AM Z
Liam Lawless
 FW: Liam Lawless Paper - Enlarged Negatives by Reversal Processing07/25/01-08:28:16 PM Z
 RPS07/21/01-06:05:32 PM Z
Lukas Werth
 Re: making casein07/29/01-03:07:23 AM Z
 Earth Pigments was: Re: making casein07/25/01-02:38:20 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/21/01-09:33:35 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/19/01-03:57:17 AM Z
 Potassium dichromate07/31/01-11:00:46 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/30/01-08:31:46 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/27/01-02:35:46 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/27/01-11:52:46 AM Z
 Re: Online Gum Chemistry Suppliers07/27/01-12:58:46 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/27/01-12:44:46 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/22/01-01:32:46 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/22/01-01:27:46 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/19/01-02:57:46 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/19/01-09:08:46 AM Z
 Gum Bichromate internet conference board07/06/01-05:48:46 AM Z
Mac Legrandi
 A couple gum questions...07/18/01-10:24:14 PM Z
 Paper for Historical Project07/08/01-12:45:14 PM Z
Manuel Estébanez
 Printmaking in the Sun07/18/01-07:20:46 AM Z
Marc Gomm
 daguerreotypist Belgium07/16/01-08:45:45 AM Z
Mark Kronquist
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-10:45:55 AM Z
 Re: buying a jobo processor07/20/01-10:01:17 AM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/16/01-12:59:40 PM Z
Matthew Hoffman
 Re: homemade tubes07/22/01-12:37:03 PM Z
 negative repair07/20/01-06:27:40 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/16/01-03:14:53 PM Z
Michael F Jacobson
 Re: Online Gum Chemistry Suppliers07/25/01-06:00:06 AM Z
Michael Healy
 Combi Tanks07/17/01-09:24:49 PM Z
Nash Computer Technology
 Re: Sodium Metaborate07/17/01-03:47:25 AM Z
 Sodium Metaborate07/15/01-06:55:05 AM Z
Nick Makris
 Reducing a PT/PD print07/24/01-07:40:17 AM Z
 Fw: Virus infection07/24/01-07:32:47 AM Z
 Re: Paper Negatives07/18/01-06:13:02 PM Z
 Re: RE:film for Darkroom sink coating07/17/01-09:53:53 AM Z
 Archive07/15/01-07:19:47 AM Z
 Re: white specks on cyanotypes07/10/01-12:05:10 PM Z
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-11:57:34 AM Z
 Re: Re: Re: digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting for AlternativeProcesses)07/04/01-05:37:42 PM Z
 Re: Cor Breukel07/01/01-02:38:42 PM Z
Pam Niedermayer
 Re: 28 hour days07/27/01-11:21:18 AM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-02:53:34 PM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-12:50:57 PM Z
 Re: [Fwd: Re: Art and livelihood]07/09/01-09:01:25 AM Z
 Re: [Fwd: Re: Art and livelihood]07/09/01-06:26:55 AM Z
 Re: Art and livelihood07/06/01-08:42:48 AM Z
Paul Repacholi
 Re: ? what is this processes07/14/01-03:16:10 PM Z
 Re: Re: Sodium Metaborate07/17/01-01:33:53 AM Z
Peter Marshall
 Re: rechargeable batteries07/19/01-01:14:46 PM Z
 Re: archival salt prints07/09/01-12:23:46 PM Z
Philippe Ayral
 Re: slightly off topic-gitzo screw07/03/01-07:03:44 AM Z
 Re: slightly off topic-gitzo screw07/03/01-07:01:12 AM Z
Philippe Monnoyer
 Frosted Glass07/16/01-03:49:58 AM Z
Phillip Murphy
 Re: daguerreotypist Belgium07/16/01-06:13:59 PM Z
R. Gary Hall
 Re: 8x10 BTZS tubes07/24/01-01:10:47 PM Z
 Historical Cyanotypes from Northern Utah.07/10/01-03:20:36 PM Z
Ralph Rinke
 Re: Darkroom sink coating? and What is this process?07/18/01-04:13:21 PM Z
 Re: digital neg07/10/01-03:58:15 PM Z
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-02:27:06 PM Z
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-01:23:26 PM Z
Richard Knoppow
 Re: Metol Discontinued???07/31/01-03:10:40 PM Z
 Re: Fw: Virus infection07/26/01-01:24:19 AM Z
 Re: Fw: Virus infection07/24/01-11:19:34 AM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-08:19:14 PM Z
 Re: T-max developer and other non-T-max films07/20/01-07:07:22 PM Z
 Re: negative repair07/20/01-06:51:26 PM Z
 Re: Bromoil history07/17/01-11:00:21 PM Z
 Re: archival salt prints07/09/01-12:46:43 PM Z
 Re: toned photographs07/07/01-04:07:21 PM Z
Richard M. Koolish
 UV Color Changing Embroidery thread07/27/01-09:03:18 AM Z
Richard Maddox
 Re: T-max developer and other non-T-max films07/20/01-02:50:01 PM Z
Richard Morris
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-08:27:07 AM Z
Richard Sullivan FRPS
 Digital conference added07/11/01-04:00:37 PM Z
 New conferences07/06/01-10:55:01 AM Z
 Re: Carbon Tissue07/01/01-11:02:45 AM Z
Rick Moore
 RE: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-07:00:46 PM Z
Robert Lyman
 Re: Cyanotype total failure07/29/01-01:13:10 PM Z
Robert W. Schramm
 Re: Cyanotype total failure07/30/01-06:09:02 PM Z
 Re: Cyanotype total failure07/28/01-07:57:12 PM Z
 Re: HP5 and fog07/21/01-08:22:14 PM Z
 Re: I want to do daguerreotypes!07/19/01-04:04:16 PM Z
 Re: HP5 and fog07/21/01-09:39:42 PM Z
 Re: bromide drag07/21/01-09:25:28 PM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-04:14:23 PM Z
 Re: livelihood/art07/02/01-10:10:19 PM Z
Rosae Reeder
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/30/01-09:18:35 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/30/01-09:06:18 AM Z
 Re: making casein07/29/01-12:28:26 PM Z
 Re: Earth Pigments was: Re: making casein07/25/01-07:47:52 AM Z
 Re: making casein07/25/01-07:37:24 AM Z
 Re: making casein07/25/01-07:32:23 AM Z
 Re: making casein07/24/01-09:57:23 AM Z
 Re: making casein07/24/01-08:28:29 AM Z
 Re: answers & casein Re: A couple gum questions...07/23/01-07:43:01 AM Z
 Re: alternative film maker (Maya Deren)07/06/01-01:10:31 PM Z
Sam Wang
 Re: 8x10 BTZS tubes07/23/01-10:08:37 PM Z
 Re: 8x10 BTZS tubes07/23/01-10:10:50 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/20/01-08:37:06 AM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/19/01-09:15:16 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/19/01-01:19:10 PM Z
 Re: A couple gum questions...07/19/01-07:51:01 AM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/18/01-07:17:45 AM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/17/01-04:36:22 PM Z
 Re: Frosted Glass07/16/01-08:21:50 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/15/01-10:35:27 AM Z
 Re: digital gum negatives07/05/01-11:14:06 AM Z
 Re: cyanotype: weird lilac color07/04/01-07:45:40 AM Z
 Re: Carbon Tissue07/01/01-08:36:15 AM Z
Sandy King
 Re: making casein (Earth Pigments)07/24/01-08:29:50 AM Z
 Re: bromide drag07/24/01-04:18:25 AM Z
 Re: bromide drag07/23/01-06:45:24 AM Z
 Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: bromide drag07/22/01-01:39:52 AM Z
 Re: Fwd: Re: Fwd: Re: bromide drag07/22/01-12:39:41 AM Z
 Re: homemade tubes and fixer, etc; hazards of bad ventilation07/21/01-09:11:20 PM Z
 Re: bromide drag07/20/01-11:30:38 PM Z
 Re: Lost Messages from Carl Weese and Others07/20/01-08:06:52 AM Z
 bromide drag07/20/01-08:02:44 AM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-03:29:19 AM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-01:47:32 AM Z
 Lost Messages from Carl Weese and Others07/19/01-11:14:08 PM Z
 BPF 20007/19/01-09:05:39 PM Z
 Re: HP5 and fog07/19/01-08:48:22 PM Z
 EI of HP5+07/19/01-08:33:35 PM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/17/01-07:43:00 AM Z
 Re: pyro literature07/17/01-07:29:46 AM Z
 Digital Cameras07/17/01-04:57:03 AM Z
Shannon Stoney
 suing your school07/23/01-10:34:52 AM Z
 Re: school ventilation07/23/01-09:58:03 AM Z
 Re: school ventilation07/23/01-09:49:36 AM Z
 how much ventilation?07/22/01-09:54:28 PM Z
 Re: school ventilation07/22/01-09:48:36 PM Z
 Re: school ventilation07/22/01-05:16:05 PM Z
 homemade tubes07/22/01-02:10:35 PM Z
 homemade tubes and fixer, etc; hazards of bad ventilation07/22/01-09:04:39 AM Z
 to pre-soak or not07/21/01-02:54:27 PM Z
 pre-soaking film in tubes07/21/01-01:45:38 PM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-04:45:48 PM Z
 using jobo with another base07/20/01-03:33:46 PM Z
 Re: tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-02:19:44 PM Z
 tray processing vs jobo07/20/01-12:25:19 PM Z
 buying a jobo processor07/20/01-10:52:39 AM Z
 Re: what is a normal subject brightness range?07/18/01-05:12:08 PM Z
 what is a normal subject brightness range?07/18/01-02:38:47 PM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/17/01-07:25:12 PM Z
 combi plan tank07/17/01-10:36:42 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film in combi plan rack07/17/01-09:18:54 AM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/16/01-06:01:23 PM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/16/01-04:50:15 PM Z
 Re: hanging sheet film07/15/01-08:08:27 PM Z
 hanging sheet film07/15/01-11:58:04 AM Z
 Re: white specks on cyanotypes07/10/01-11:14:59 AM Z
 white specks on cyanotypes07/09/01-10:25:17 PM Z
 Re: Real Estate07/09/01-12:04:18 PM Z
 dyed silk kimonos; Kubota07/07/01-05:40:29 PM Z
 Re: Silk and color07/07/01-05:32:24 PM Z
 Re: toned photographs07/06/01-05:54:25 PM Z
 cyanotype: weird lilac color07/03/01-11:55:09 PM Z
 possible reason why members are SO RUDE07/03/01-12:43:25 PM Z
shaun bear
 Re: Italian Alt-Photo Web site07/25/01-11:57:15 AM Z
 Re: Re: Process Colours for Gum07/25/01-03:33:05 PM Z
 Re: what is a normal subject brightness range?07/18/01-02:15:00 PM Z
 Re: RE: helios & other pigment info07/11/01-10:33:19 PM Z
 Re: Re: Gum Bichromate internet conference board07/07/01-04:34:42 PM Z
 Gum Bichromate internet conference board07/05/01-12:41:40 PM Z
 Re: Re: digital gum negatives07/04/01-08:26:47 PM Z
 Re: Re: Re: digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting for AlternativeProcesses)07/04/01-02:04:11 PM Z
 Re: Re: digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting for Alternative Processes)07/04/01-12:35:02 PM Z
 Re: cyanotype: weird lilac color07/03/01-11:14:06 PM Z
 digital gum negatives (was: Re: Shooting for Alternative Processes)07/01/01-09:16:35 AM Z
 Re: Virus infection07/24/01-07:11:18 AM Z
Steve Shapiro
 Re: metric units of time07/27/01-11:02:20 AM Z
 Re: Fw: Virus infection07/25/01-12:13:11 PM Z
 Re: Sodium Metaborate07/16/01-11:23:52 AM Z
 Re: Members are SO RUDE or ARE THEY?07/03/01-10:54:22 AM Z
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/16/01-09:49:49 AM Z
terry roth
 Re: Frosted Glass07/16/01-09:00:35 AM Z
 Re: possible reason why members are SO RUDE07/03/01-06:32:10 PM Z
Thor Bols
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-01:51:28 PM Z
Tod Gangler
 Re: Darkroom sink coating?07/16/01-06:34:49 PM Z
Tom Ferguson
 Re: Cyanotype total failure07/30/01-03:36:57 AM Z
 Cyanotype total failure07/27/01-01:08:17 PM Z
 Re: white specks on cyanotypes07/10/01-08:29:16 AM Z
Tom Hawkins
 Photo San Francisco07/27/01-08:56:08 AM Z
Tom von Agner
 Hi to all07/27/01-07:43:44 AM Z
 Re: Online Gum Chemistry Suppliers07/27/00-03:21:26 AM Z
Tox Gunn
 Re: cheap threaded tubes07/23/01-03:27:10 PM Z
 Re: Lost Messages from Carl Weese and Others07/20/01-01:14:39 PM Z
 Re: Lost Messages from Carl Weese and Others07/20/01-11:34:53 AM Z
 Re: Digital Cameras07/17/01-05:09:51 PM Z
 Re: keeping on topic07/10/01-10:49:11 AM Z
Witho Worms en Jorien van Santen
 unsubscribe07/14/01-05:57:53 AM Z
 Re: Real Estate was: [Fwd: Re: Art and livelihood]07/12/01-04:09:43 PM Z
zant zant
 I want to do daguerreotypes!07/17/01-04:20:16 PM Z

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